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This book is by a Pro trapper  and Poisoner of Rabbits in New Zealand  ,it gives you some idea  of the numbers of Rabbits that were about in the late 40s, he describes how two men worked a 120 leg hold traps and every day they averaged at least 6 cats numerous Ferrets, Stoats ,  Possums and others, he describes how the Tank trap worked , he also poisoned Rabbits for their Skins and goes  into detail on how it was done, one example of this was two Men could skin and Bury 500 Rabbits a day , to do this they had to be spot on with the Bait and length of the Poison line and the first time the the Men went solo they made the the line too long and instead of killing the 500 required they killed over two thousand  most of which had to be buried . Good read if you can obtain a copy .


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