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It was going so well, untill it all went wrong...........

Guest Rabbiteer

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Opp!!! These things happen :angel: You dont want to be down by me my land is plaged by fallow :oops: :whistling: Well well done and give that little tiger a pat.

i was up in hampshire with poacher9991 and willboy on the way home from coursing and there must of been about 15 or more fallow deer run out in front of my car good thing we were going slow looking in all the fields for a run otherwise we would of had some road kill and a damaged motor...we had to stop for about 30 seconds in the middle of the road to let them all cross

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Guest Rabbiteer
you have never come accross as liar or bullshitter mate but i find it really hard to believe that an 19 inch high dog weighing in at 18 pounds would pull down and nearly kill a fully grown roe deer in the few seconds it took you to get to it .... did you actually see the dog do this or are you assuming thats what happened ??? could the deer have damaged itslef going over or through the fence because it was panicked at being chased by the dog ??? either way you have some nice meat there ..........


To true mate,


I find it really hard to believe aswell. To be honest I just dont know what happened behind that hedgerow. All I know for certain is that I went out ferreting and I came back with a deer after my dog chased it behind a hedge. When I got there it was on its side gasping for air with the dog backing away from it as I neared them both. There could be many answers to what actually happened. Maybe Little Ted gave it a Judo Chop, Maybe the deer ran into something, Maybe it had a heart attack dying of laughter at the size of the dog chasing it, I just dont know.


It was alive when it bolted from the hedge and flat on its side 20 secs later after being chased by my wee dog.


There is only two creatures who know the truth, and unfortunately Im not one of them.


To tell you the truth, I would rather him stick to the rabbits as I dont want this to happen again.


Wishing you all the best,



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Cracking little dog there, mate! :thumbs: Must have the heart of a lion. If you think that it's inconceiveable that a little dog could do that though, look up 'lion baiting' on wikipedia. They used to pit staff types against lions, a few hundred years ago, and they reckon the little staff came out on top around 60% of the time. A dog only has to use it's jaws to kill a large animal.

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Guest Rabbiteer
im finding it very hard to believe , but you got some nice meat there well done


Im finding it very hard to believe too mate, maybe it was hit in the head by a golf ball as Ted was chasing it................................. :laugh::laugh:

Edited by Rabbiteer
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  • 3 months later...

well had lots of mistakes by dogs getting roe and has llanded me in it ,as there more roe than anything else some days , ive been a quite qalk with semi retired dog and they feching catch ,the farmers shouting im getting wound up , ive had deer quite as hell on a big chase as they are feched and had some roar like the proverbail lion some days , all in all they can be a nuisance when ferreting ,hare flushing , i could count a dozen or more times the dogs have killed at the wrong time and ive had to bail out quickly or hide up , nite time is preferd for a walk now as the dogs cant see them ahah , being seruois if i was just into rabbs hares i would train a dog not to chase them my collie cross yrs ago i could shout her of as i was doing alot of paid rabbiting jobs , during the daylite at nite well difrent matter , all in all the public over the last ten yrs are more switched on to whats what in the country side in some areas, so you have to be carefull ,rabbiteer i think your deer must have had an accident as ive saw little dogs getting kicked of them no problem unles a yearling and very un wise to dogs etc you get abig strong buck roe and they can be a handfull ,no quite time and a struggle till the dog gets the kneck etc cheers any way

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Guest dog on
how come this one hasnt been deleted?


Yes, it probably was a genuine accident. But it could be "mis-interpreted"......... like people saying "pre-ban"... which is now commonly known as a "code word"

nothing against RABBITEER but this site is a mockery .you cant discuss deer dogs or you cant post pic of dogs and deer but fore some unknown reason beyond belief this pic can appear on this site like this after all that has been said on the subject .and even a moderator congratulates him what a farce.is this the way it can be done in future\\just like i said in the deer dog post almost ANYdog can catch a deer iv seen all sorts do it // but it is a bit diffrent if its got a tidy set of head gear .if only it was still leagal and i was the type to take pics you would see dogs doing this that would make your eyes pop Edited by dog on
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