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Saluki x grey

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Hull you keep a very good yard with more than capable runners ? but any half decent bull x would finish any coursing bred in a breathe ?  your out and about and amongst it and your dog would be welcome in any yard that's a fact but a bull x is a different animal  in what it brings horses for courses hull 

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Like a bull cross  but crapper 

young pup i was kindly gifted coming on nicely.full of temper and drive 8mth old.  


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  On 11/05/2022 at 18:09, Casey97 said:

Are saluki x greyhounds any good on different terrain for rabbits, Warrens or woodlands or are they just good on flat long ground 


Listen to me I have her trust me ... take all game bar pig .. tbh  I was blessed with her as iv seen endless amount of dogs out mooching between me an many friends and the more I seen I realised I was blessed with my birth pal ?.. she might not suit other men like everything .she not an exceptionall do but she a very good honest dog. Good obedience speed anticipation drive and gives 110 percent for me to be fair .... saluki are a funny oul breed I remember reading in one my books they really like to please the alpha (me). They also pick who is there alpha in a house hold just say for instance you bring pup home he or she could take to/pick some other family member in said house to please if you get me .. they don't just please the hand that feeds them let's say... for instance your dog could pick your misses to be her master and still be normal with you training out out mooching but then if your your misses starts training her an goes out mooching you'll see a totally different dog fact .they a peculiar breed they pick you you don't pick them ....any one with saluki Cross will see these traits in them every man knows there own dog ... Read up on the breed .... as for the bulls they just do what fork they want ???too head strong pigs ?






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  On 13/05/2022 at 01:12, delboy_187 said:

Listen to me I have her trust me ... take all game bar pig .. tbh  I was blessed with her as iv seen endless amount of dogs out mooching between me an many friends and the more I seen I realised I was blessed with my birth pal ?.. she might not suit other men like everything .she not an exceptionall do but she a very good honest dog. Good obedience speed anticipation drive and gives 110 percent for me to be fair .... saluki are a funny oul breed I remember reading in one my books they really like to please the alpha (me). They also pick who is there alpha in a house hold just say for instance you bring pup home he or she could take to/pick some other family member in said house to please if you get me .. they don't just please the hand that feeds them let's say... for instance your dog could pick your misses to be her master and still be normal with you training out out mooching but then if your your misses starts training her an goes out mooching you'll see a totally different dog fact .they a peculiar breed they pick you you don't pick them ....any one with saluki Cross will see these traits in them every man knows there own dog ... Read up on the breed .... as for the bulls they just do what fork they want ???too head strong pigs ?







Night time. day time ferreting. Charlie..live to hand .I genuinely only done a lot of obedience with her ... an put quarry up in front of her she done rest her self ....I will be honest only fault she have is she lacking mouth tbh ... she won't do 2or 3s Charlie a night to be fair .but as said she perfect for me might not be worth a fag to someone else ?

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  On 13/05/2022 at 01:12, delboy_187 said:

Listen to me I have her trust me ... take all game bar pig .. tbh  I was blessed with her as iv seen endless amount of dogs out mooching between me an many friends and the more I seen I realised I was blessed with my birth pal ?.. she might not suit other men like everything .she not an exceptionall do but she a very good honest dog. Good obedience speed anticipation drive and gives 110 percent for me to be fair .... saluki are a funny oul breed I remember reading in one my books they really like to please the alpha (me). They also pick who is there alpha in a house hold just say for instance you bring pup home he or she could take to/pick some other family member in said house to please if you get me .. they don't just please the hand that feeds them let's say... for instance your dog could pick your misses to be her master and still be normal with you training out out mooching but then if your your misses starts training her an goes out mooching you'll see a totally different dog fact .they a peculiar breed they pick you you don't pick them ....any one with saluki Cross will see these traits in them every man knows there own dog ... Read up on the breed .... as for the bulls they just do what fork they want ???too head strong pigs ?







It's true that I'm the one that feeds watters an walks my dog but he's more for my 12 year old son. Soon as he comes down stairs for school he's there to greet him nose pushing his hand for a pat. Then soon as my lad sits on sofa he's up with his head on his lap. An all I get is he's my dog lol little shit. But it's 100% true that. From 8 weeks I've brought him up. 

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  On 12/05/2022 at 19:59, chartpolski said:

Hully, will you give me permission to use that quote in a book I'm contemplating writing, provisionally called "Tales From The Beer Tent" !??!



Honest to God Mc your writings bad pal sentences are Gogaldiegoop my 12 year old lad can knock up a sentence better. A Showed my lad it last night an says can you understand that. " Says can a f**k dad a says me neither son me neither. Thats what you get from smoking shite your pals are smoking . Lol Is it Dad f**k that then haha 

Edited by Bangersanmash
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  On 13/05/2022 at 05:45, Bangersanmash said:

Honest to God Mc your writings bad pal sentences are Gogaldiegoop my 12 year old lad can knock up a sentence better. A Showed my lad it last night an says can you understand that. " Says can a f**k dad a says me neither so me neither. Thats what you get from smoking shite your pals are smoking . Lol Is it Dad f**k that then haha 


I don't know why you have quoted me, when you are talking about mC ?

But a couple of old sayings spring to mind;

One about people in glass houses, the other about kettles, pots and black ! ??


Edited by chartpolski
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  On 13/05/2022 at 05:53, chartpolski said:

I don't know why you have quoted men, when you are talking about mC ?

But a couple of old sayings spring to mind;

One about people in glass houses, the other about kettles, pots and black ! ??



The man talks garbage ? honest to God talking about coursing in May ffs lol. You know the score polski how many years you been on here. An it's same shite with the coursing. Men on about my dogs better than yours nursery play ground shit. Last season a pm him sayin will have a morning out. A got a message back sayin bitch just come out of season maybe okay in a couple of weeks. Then he put up a post going out with a pal with his male dog. Now he's on in May sayin will have a spin 8 months away lol 

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  On 13/05/2022 at 06:35, Langford said:

People excusing the ignorant behaviour of their desert dwelling companion are basically excusing their ignorance and stupidity on how to rear a dog.

The gentleman above is right, there's nothing more infuriating than having to chase a disobedient dog over the horizon for miles upon miles.

A dog has to have drive but it also has to understand who's the alpha.

These new coursing superstars need to spend less time in JD Sport purchasing their new attire and spend more time learning their dog recall and such.

It pains me to see that the dogs have more brains than the current generation, such a shame.


I like you ? 

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  On 13/05/2022 at 06:35, Langford said:

People excusing the ignorant behaviour of their desert dwelling companion are basically excusing their ignorance and stupidity on how to rear a dog.

The gentleman above is right, there's nothing more infuriating than having to chase a disobedient dog over the horizon for miles upon miles.

A dog has to have drive but it also has to understand who's the alpha.

These new coursing superstars need to spend less time in JD Sport purchasing their new attire and spend more time learning their dog recall and such.

It pains me to see that the dogs have more brains than the current generation, such a shame.


It's true 4 - 5 dogs out of motor to do what they want , go where they want. Then its a Whistle back to motor home kenneled up. Don't get me wrong havin a pair of lurchers is no bother. " Because if you ever get an injury in one of the dogs , then at least you've got another one to fall back on " . Most of us will of been there with the dogs. When your dogs kenneled up your sat thinking a wish I'd got another runner. 

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  On 12/05/2022 at 17:49, mC HULL said:

i do like a dog with that nastyness about em 

i doesn’t mean it’s had to fight for it’s scran 

hopefully one day your around a real un you see they have abit a madness to em feral eat odd un especially when young some don’t show any emotion and only every wag tail when killing expressionless other wise

why would i a been f****d mate ? i’m not fighting with the bull x ? 



If ever you change your mind sell tickets. I'd pay to see that.?. What do you think your chances would be??

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  On 13/05/2022 at 06:01, Bangersanmash said:

The man talks garbage ? honest to God talking about coursing in May ffs lol. You know the score polski how many years you been on here. An it's same shite with the coursing. Men on about my dogs better than yours nursery play ground shit. Last season a pm him sayin will have a morning out. A got a message back sayin bitch just come out of season maybe okay in a couple of weeks. Then he put up a post going out with a pal with his male dog. Now he's on in May sayin will have a spin 8 months away lol 


you talk some shite you i had lads coming for a run why would i put them off when your talking picking people up for days on here  and saying you drove straight past your a messer last season your dog didn’t kill one hare 

big ron is thumbs upping you i ask if he fancied a run aswell ? 

why it’s 8 months away you plum what you doing biking the dog up from now until january to walk it on the land on a lead for 2 days out the year you nugget ? 

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