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Beardies and Kelpies

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  On 16/05/2022 at 21:00, fatlad said:

I like the beardy crosses I like the way they work and actually find them really easy to live with I've got a first cross border greyhound first one I've ever had with no beardy in it she is not as easy to live with but isn't really any bother to be fair never seen a kelpy cross but have seen some beating last couple of years really clever dogs 


I think you've hit the nail on the head.

Some people say beardies are nutters and that they'd prefer a border while just as many think that borders are nutters and would rather live with a beardie. Then again...as many again can't stand either of them and think all those pastoral types are a bunch of nutters. ?

It's just a case of whatever fits, gels, suits you. Or, as somebody far wiser than I once said, "temperament is king."

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  On 17/05/2022 at 08:38, Neal said:

I think you've hit the nail on the head.

Some people say beardies are nutters and that they'd prefer a border while just as many think that borders are nutters and would rather live with a beardie. Then again...as many again can't stand either of them and think all those pastoral types are a bunch of nutters. ?

It's just a case of whatever fits, gels, suits you. Or, as somebody far wiser than I once said, "temperament is king."


Your a great guy neal

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  On 17/05/2022 at 08:38, Neal said:

I think you've hit the nail on the head.

Some people say beardies are nutters and that they'd prefer a border while just as many think that borders are nutters and would rather live with a beardie. Then again...as many again can't stand either of them and think all those pastoral types are a bunch of nutters. ?

It's just a case of whatever fits, gels, suits you. Or, as somebody far wiser than I once said, "temperament is king."


Only known a couple of beardie x's and they were definitely more laid back than their more intense border cousins, but the beardies were more prone to unlikely or unexpected behaviours. 

I love a full on runner, but in my part of the UK the non stop building and ever increasing numbers of civilians wandering the fields is making it even more difficult for the saluki x to do her thing in peace. Will be looking for a type more inclined to work in close next time, probably herder or gundog cross but wouldn't want to be without some runner in the mix. Hope the fast dogs can keep on going in remoter regions and don't die out. 

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  On 18/05/2022 at 09:03, Neal said:

That's the problem with this site...I never know when someone's being genuine or taking the piss.??


That's the problem with this site,most interesting topics get dragged to a standstill from the comedians and the bitter

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  On 18/05/2022 at 12:02, jigsaw said:

That's the problem with this site,most interesting topics get dragged to a standstill from the comedians and the bitter


100% agree. The vast majority of topics are dragged down by bickering, usually the same idiots everytime. If not that then the same dull "in" jokes topic after topic. Shame really, used to be some interesting stuff on here.

More on topic, I have a mate with a working kelpie who maybe looking for a lurcher stud at some point in the future. The thing is pretty full on, works sheep and cattle, does a bit of ratting and gun dog work. It's a nice light one but personally I can't stand the barking .... it never shuts up. He doesn't mind it though, it's part of the stock work I guess.

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Yeah, some of them do have a tendency to do that. Not all though.

I was once told that the best way to teach a kelpie (or other breed for that matter) to be quiet is to teach it to bark on command first. I've tried a few times to teach dogs to "speak" but I just can't do it. I think it's because they can see through me and they already know that I don't like a noisy dog so they're thinking, 'I'm not stupid, if I start barking you'll only tell me off.'?

Maud is nine months old tomorrow and currently stands at about 19" and is a tad over two stone. Should be a good size for bushing and, if she proves herself good enough, maybe I'll change the habit of a lifetime and breed from her.?

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  On 18/05/2022 at 19:30, jigsaw said:

So Neal's a nice chap and I'm a miserable fecker,......well now .....isn't that just fine and dandy ....lol


I did add something constructive but u got well jealous of neal (nice bloke btw) and you keep hammering on about how the sites ruined nowadays, well go back any year u like and have alook some the old arguments are far worse than now threats of violence and alsorts ,so it seems u just don't like jokes much hence miserable fecker 

Atb poxon 

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