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26 KG of Wild Pork to the Freezer

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And then tonight, Sharon was itching to go up the hill again. Had to laugh, it was almost a repeat of the previous Tuesday except this time we saw 3 pigs up on the hill at 950 meters away. We mapped a course and went hell for leather up the hill with the wind in our face. We got to the final ridge and suspected they would be just over the top. Into super stealth mode and just as we were about to get to the top the wind faltered and started to turn. Bugger. We kept going only to see the 3 pigs fifty meters away in full flight to the forest edge....they had got wind of us. Sharon was pissed off as she really thought we were going to have one tonight. We waited 40 minutes scanning the forest edge in the hope that they might venture out again but it didn't happen. We turned for home. 

Now remember in my previous post that as we went down the track we walked into 2 deer at 30 meters or so. Well you guessed it, one appeared  at eighty meters in front of us but was already in full trot. It was a beautiful moonlight night and we weren't even using headlamps. The deer could have seen us plain as day at 600 meters. 

Now tonight, Sharon, instead of going on her security round suggested that we go to the hide. So off we went. Even before we could sit down Sharon  had spotted a pig at 600 meters in a paddock further down the valley. We were off. Long story short, to cover 600 meters we trekked about 1200 meters so we could cut in behind the pig and approach her from down wind. At 130 meters I took a shot with the rifle on the tripod......and here she is.


She is now hanging in a tree at home, gutted and skinned. First thing in the morning she will be offered to the first taker in the local hunting forum....we just have no room in the freezer.



Edited by PhilH
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