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  On 09/05/2022 at 10:53, torchey said:

Anyone got one ? Just bought my lad one but struggling to get real tight groups with it ,tried a couple of different pellets any preferred ones cheers 


Torchey is it the same as this one 

This is the kral puncher jumbo in 22

If so mine likes the jsb exact jumbos

I'd not part with this one mind 

It's spot on 

Out to 50 60 yrds 

But if its the old one with the sporter stock 

They had a recall on them as the rifling only went half way up the barrel 

As I found out to my cost lol

It would group mint at 28 yrds but at 28 and a half it was like a scatter gun hell a shot gun had better groups lol

Mind if it's like the one in the pic it will benafit from a barrel clean mind 

Atvbjimmy ???


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  On 10/05/2022 at 10:37, torchey said:

Cheers jimmy it’s this one




Why the hell they have to many rifles with the same name beats me 

It's like rocky 1,,,2,,,3,, 4, 5

There supposed to be a good little 

Gun them 

Give the barrel a clean with a pull through I just use some fishing line 

Loop it and put a white bit of cloth with a touch of gun oil on and pull it through do this a few times until you get a clean cloth out of the barrel 

Just had a good look at the the pic it looks like the scope is to close to the barrel you may need higher mounts 


Atvbjimmy ???

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My buddy had one in fact he may still have it, anyway, he found JSB Exact RS in .22 worked very well and to be honest so did AA Fields for that matter. I borrowed it for a couple of days and those pellets certainly stopped the feral pigeon and magpies in their tracks. I was going to buy one but disliked the left hand cocking, good little gun as far as I found.


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