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I'm tempted :hmm: I must admit but theres 12s and 12s if ye ken what I mean, though good boots cost so much. I'll need too have a think......here, BigPete who was your supplier I mean who'd you buy them off? Was it a high street chain by any chance?

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looking for a size 55 boot any takers :haha::whistling: or as my good friend woodga says is that one of them penis things only smaller :icon_redface: dont ya just love yourmates



QUOTE(MOLLY @ Jan 29 2008, 06:54 PM)

Thank you Nikey

But what does that have to do with the size or his willy




It is often thought Moll that a fellas feet are in proportion to his manhood...........

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I'm tempted :hmm: I must admit but theres 12s and 12s if ye ken what I mean, though good boots cost so much. I'll need too have a think......here, BigPete who was your supplier I mean who'd you buy them off? Was it a high street chain by any chance?

Just finished reading the posts, what a bunch of so and so's but pmsl, very good !


Missus got me the boots for a pressie but reckon they probably came from one of the mainstream chains , there is a website

www.kayland.com or something like that! They are very good boots, warm and waterproof but a liitle to rigid for my liking so have been demoted to my fishing cupboard which is a bit of a waste.

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What are you two on about, i was just thinking he should be called average pete not big pete, i take size 14,s, and they call me pewee. :tongue2::D

I'm getting there Moletrapper but not average sized yet !, managed to shed a bit of timber since Christmas but still the wrong side of 17 stone, but at 6'6" dont suppose that's too bad.

Dont envy you at size 14 mate, the choice seems to become a bit restricted to say the least.

But at least God makes sure everything is in proportion !!

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