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Blokes a feckin idiot, 43 million for twitter when its free in the app store ??

Why have Africa etc got space programmes when we send them foreign aid? Because there corrupt as hell. No money will fix world hunger 

And dont forget that the white nations these people invade in order to give themselves a better life become run down cess pits full of guilt and remorse,hated by the invaders and stripped of the very

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I watched a show where aid workers in Africa said that feeding them was a waste of time as the starving kids survived then they had kids that starved. Might as well just let the first lot die. The more you feed them the more they breed and on it goes until they are taking our food out of our mouths. 

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4 hours ago, Francie said:

I never said Africa lol but aye maybe if they had permanent clean water then they could manage on there own through farming instead of the rulers taking all the money.

I did some plaatering for a guy that worked in africa putting in water/wells/piping etc . He said it was first time ever having ready access to good clean usable water . Within weeks people had ripped the pipes out and sold it all for scrap etc . Hed lost hope in it all 

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1 minute ago, South hams hunter said:

weed and coke aint the only 2 drugs are they? 

how many women sell there self nonce there kids for speed pregabs benzos ecstasy ? 



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At what point do we just let nature do what it does,much as the developed world tries these people cannot have their lives lived for them.....how many more trillions need to spent before realising that nobody or nothing can get the better of racial instinct.

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1 hour ago, Welsh_red said:

I did some plaatering for a guy that worked in africa putting in water/wells/piping etc . He said it was first time ever having ready access to good clean usable water . Within weeks people had ripped the pipes out and sold it all for scrap etc . Hed lost hope in it all 

No different to the traveller sites over here,they bang on they've no place to go,sort them somewhere with a toilet/shower block...and the thick cnuts smash it up and weigh it in...can't educate pork as they say?

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Africa receives 50 billion dollars annually in foreign aid, fifty billion each and every single year, then there's the cash from NGO Charity's, anyone seen any change in the circumstances of the average african?They want to escape for a "better life" which all that wasted cash does not seem to be buying, they wanted their independence from the west,some have had that for over 50 years, but still holding their cap out to the countries they wanted separation from. 

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4 minutes ago, mackem said:

Africa receives 50 billion dollars annually in foreign aid, fifty billion each and every single year, then there's the cash from NGO Charity's, anyone seen any change in the circumstances of the average african?They want to escape for a "better life" which all that wasted cash does not seem to be buying, they wanted their independence from the west,some have had that for over 50 years, but still holding their cap out to the countries they wanted separation from. 

And dont forget that the white nations these people invade in order to give themselves a better life become run down cess pits full of guilt and remorse,hated by the invaders and stripped of the very qualities they are coming here to exploit !.....Blacks want free spaces away from nasty privileged white people well you've got one its called Africa,the very same people telling us to ignore race have their own ethno states that they refuse to live in....just think about that !

As far as im concerned the only problem with " white privilege " is that there isnt enough of it......after generations and generations of white people working,building,sacrificing,fighting and dying to create a respectable homeland we deserve all the " white privilege " possible !


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