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any idea what these were used for

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8 hours ago, Daniel cain said:

In them days... everyone left a mark,or maybe he could find a patent or similar for that design?

My mate got couple steam traction engines. Every cast part has a number. Some serious engineering 

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Shot in the dark I’m afraid. Some years ago I dived a disused pit in our village. Originally it was a clay pit for the local Hepworth clay pipe company. Anyway, I found a set of bogeys on very narrow gauge track which were drawn my the then pit ponies up to th surface. Must admit they look very similar. Jok.

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Could be narrow gauge bogey's for moving big timber in a saw mill posable to feed a big band saw. I worked for a timber company when I was young and there was rail lines in the concrete in front of some of the big saws that were not used any more. On one of those bogeys I see a lever with what looks like a roller that I presume is for raising what ever sat on it.

Cheers Arry

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I never came across anything exactly like that but when I cleared out the old Roneo Vickers factory years ago they used trolleys on a rail system.

It was a leftover from when they made ammunition and aircraft parts in the war and they just continued using them for the sheet steel.

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1 hour ago, W. Katchum said:

Part of some ole production line, I’d guess timber or steel, what’s in your area?

the rollers came out of an old stud farm.no saw mills or steel works around my area ever,their was an old flour mill in my town alright along with a railway station that was closed down  back in the 50s,all the sleepers and tracks have been taken up donkeys yrs now,it provides great cover to hold foxes along it .

Edited by stonewall
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