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I just sent him a message...


"You are a f*****g faggot i cant believe you call ferrets "fuzzies" you gay b*****d.

I am here to tell you how much shit comes out of your mouth especially when you talk about ferrets, how can you say working ones bite and that you cant handle them?

Just beacause you are a pussy and you dont like hunting i suggest you shut your cock-sucking gob and delete that article immediatley before more people believe the pish thet you talk.

You also say the non-working ferrets you have obviously handled dont bite your fingers, let me tell you, if i were a ferret i wouldnt bite your fingers seeing as they have been up your arse all day so all in all you are talking bullshit and that article is a load of nonsense.


Regards, RabbitHunter."



Anyway he will have a shock when he reads it!



Edited by Scuzy
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Just been to the link, its not worth reading the lot as its just a load of fluffy talking she-ite :realmad: Just another pet to be kept as a accessory like these stupid dressed up dogs in the it-girl/socialite Prada handbags :wankerzo4:

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Ohh no! Why wasn't I told that working ferrets bite!! :rtfm::haha:


Then I better stop searching for a new ferret amoung working ferrets... Or not...

I actually came to this forum, because I belive that working ferrets are the healthiest, strongest, most "tame" ferrets. So now I wan't me some working ferrets... :icon_redface:


Some people will belive anything. I can't remenber how many times I have stood with a ferret in my hand explaining to people that it is NOT a rodent, and it is NOT an illeagal otter. And they are not "wild" animals who attack people when they get near them.


You can inform the person about the real facts, but you can't make them belive it

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