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Learning a second language

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I spent 26 years learning Arabic, but still speak it like Borat speaks English ! ? ! Cheers.

Dos cervezas por favor ?

A few lads have mate  , I haven’t got the grasp of basic language rhythm to be if any use bar “ Akuna mattata “  i know an black African lad who spoke 6 or 7 languages fluent and was working for

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@Born Hunter our Lass got back. She said Duo lingo is perfect for what you want now but once you get to a certain level, it’s just not gonna cut it (apparently you’ll know when ?). When that happens, she said she signed up for a free trial to the Spanish examination board (AQA) apparently there’s something similar for Italy but she’s not used it ;)

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I respect folks who can speak a few languages, shroom speaks amazing Spanish , my missus speaks a few , my mum grew up in Malaya and speaks a couple her father was a linguistic boss in British army, 7 I think plus all dialects...I speak good English , and can order food and beer in a few.....

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