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Old Belgian Double Barrel

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Went with my friend over to her granddads yesterday to visit for Easter. Me and him always end up talking guns for a hour or so and today he asked it I'd oil his guns for him ,him being 90 it's a little hard for home to do it properly. Well he has this old double barrel 12ga that caught my eye and after he gave a little story on it ) apparently it was found in a briar thick and was brought back and had a hand made stock put on it, supposed to have killed many a deer out to 80yd with 00buck shot). Well I cleaned it up best I could and after my freind mentioned I might be able to he said he'd really appreciate it if I could mabye try and find some info about this gun. I tried looking up the various markings but wasn't super successful. Kept getting stuff made in the 1890's but that's about it. No real values or anything. Aaannny how wanted to see if any of y'all might know something.



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Your gun has one of the patent numbers of Henri Pieper   a Belgian  gunmaker .  A very quick internet search threw up quite a lot of information about him and his guns. And there are a few pictures of guns similar to your one Apparently the word "Enterprise" as seen on your gun was his trademark . As one comment on an internet forum notes; it will have short chambers so so don't  go winding 2 3/4 inch cartridges through it!  And it doesn't  look proofed for nitro powder.

The Leige proof mark with the little crown was used from 1893 onwards

Hope this gives you somewhere to start ?

My little Belgian .410 has similar proof marks . 20220420_212331.jpg.86e1738e62782ceb5592629d0fddbfee.jpg

Edited by comanche
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