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Slinky's obituary.

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RIP slinky.

Slinky the barron vixen passed away at 5:18am this morning. 

After many a time evading her adversary her time came. She did however have the final word, fox blasphemy was uttered with her last breath. Although I didn't understand I could imaging what she was saying.

I congratulated her as I stroked her head then laid her to rest.

Good girl slinky, I take my hat off to you.


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It was an intense moment.

Typical slinky, she came from the opposite direction than I was expecting,  had the wind been from the prevailing I would of never seen her, again! 

When the dark shape did loom out of the darkness she was only around 50-60yds. I had heck of a job getting the rifle to bear silently. She stopped on hearing a sling swivel. A quick shoulder shot dropped her. Then the cursing and then she resumed her original course all be it crippled. Shot two, a moving target shot put her down for good.  Shot three was to complete the necessary.

So with all that excitement it was also a sad moment, my worthy nemesis was gone. I even found myself reflecting on my own mortality. I certainly  hope if I have to its as quick!

Then as if like a switch had been thrown, every single blackbird started to sing all at once! A hare trotted by and the pheasants came off roost. " I best be off to work" I said.....there will be another soon enough.

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