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Well done will smith

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He deserves to get arrested for throwing the most dramatic ,bitchiest slap,I have ever seen outside of coronation st ...he managed to do the manly thing while looking like a gay mushroom .

Just been talking to my second cousin,once removed, his uncle has been talking on Facebook to a man who is a New York taxi driver who claims the "Oscars Slap" was all a set up, paid for by Bill Gates,

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9 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:


Well he never knew how to remember his training for Ali did he ? iv always said he a faggot, an that marriage is for cover, an that fairy slap proved it, real or not 

He was good in Ali though ?‍♂️?

Watch his foot work as he delivers the slap… he does seem to plant and pivot ?

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4 hours ago, mushroom said:

Yep not for me neither mate. It’s a big world and consenting adults can whatever the fuuck they want behind closed doors imo ;)

Watching some bloke hanging out the back of my mrs is not my cup of tea ?

Would you stay with a bird if she was going out and getting an extra lenght from somewhere? Genuine question

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4 minutes ago, W. Katchum said:

Only time I’d give that Cnut tele time is if the klan got to him an televised it, I hated him since I was in school, can’t believe the hype over him to be fair 

I didn’t mind him until the kids started being fuucking weird. Daughter started saying she wasn’t this but this, comes out with that cnut of a song. Then he made that sci-fi film with his son which was wa@nk. 

Never paid mind after that.

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12 minutes ago, Daniel cain said:

Would you stay with a bird if she was going out and getting an extra lenght from somewhere? Genuine question

   i havent got a lenght any more Daniel,   things just shrivel up when your clockin on a bit, bud sadly mines disappeared altogether      neh mind eh 

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Can’t make my mind up if it’s staged or not. It was a bit of a girly slap techique-wise, and Rock looked ready for it and rolled with it, so much so it wouldn’t have looked out of place in an old John Wayne film. Chris Rock did look fcukin shocked after though, and I can’t see why he’d have ‘agreed’ to look like such a pr!ck in front of billions of people around the world. They say no publicity is bad publicity though, and it set Smith up nicely for his teary acceptance speech, so who knows. 
After all the hoo-haa about the lack of diversity at the Oscars, a black guy goes and wins best actor for playing the black dad/coach of two girls trying to break into an apparently white privileged sport, but before that he goes and clumps another black guy who’s been brought in to award the best documentary Oscar to another black guy…, you couldn’t make it up…, or could you ?

I actually thought fair play Smith, till he started with the ‘keep my wife’s name outta yo mowf’ bit. It all went a bit too Ricki Lake for me then ?

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Just now, pesky1972 said:

 a black guy goes and wins best actor for playing the black dad/coach of two girls trying to break into an apparently white privileged sport, but before that he goes and clumps another black guy who’s been brought in to award the best documentary Oscar to another black guy…

Black on black violence, happens all over the world. 



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15 minutes ago, iworkwhippets said:

   i havent got a lenght any more Daniel,   things just shrivel up when your clockin on a bit, bud sadly mines disappeared altogether      neh mind eh 

Cialis mate ? Google it ?

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