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Well done will smith

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He deserves to get arrested for throwing the most dramatic ,bitchiest slap,I have ever seen outside of coronation st ...he managed to do the manly thing while looking like a gay mushroom .

Just been talking to my second cousin,once removed, his uncle has been talking on Facebook to a man who is a New York taxi driver who claims the "Oscars Slap" was all a set up, paid for by Bill Gates,

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He let's his wife get f****d by the pool boy, she has multiple affairs without incident, yet joke about her hairstyle and he gets fired up?He laughs at the joke then storms on stage and effeminatly slaps the guy instead of chinning him, he had boxing training for his role in Ali, why not at least knock the bloke on his ass with a real dig if he was that angry? 


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6 minutes ago, mackem said:

He let's his wife get f****d by the pool boy, she has multiple affairs without incident, yet joke about her hairstyle and he gets fired up?He laughs at the joke then storms on stage and effeminatly slaps the guy instead of chinning him, he had boxing training for his role in Ali, why not at least knock the bloke on his ass with a real dig if he was that angry? 


Chris puts his chin forward for it n all 

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He gets a bit emotional, rambles on a bit about God's calling ? that's what happens when your in the limelight, no escape from public scrutiny, your wife's the local bike, your sons an arthur/Martha gender fluid total weirdo, you got to try and style it out and call on God, everyone falls for that, people like a celebrity with flaws, look at Philip schofield ffs ? but will Smith has Alpha-male Hollywood status, yet he has gone a bit wobbly ?


The best actor winner apologises after striking the comedian, who made a joke about Smith's wife.


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I just watched it again in slo-mo, jussie smollett would have given a harder bitch slap ? wills wife did an interview about her needing other men to feel satisfied, she had a 25 year old bloke not so long ago, that family have lots of problems going on ?

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5 minutes ago, mackem said:

I just watched it again in slo-mo, jussie smollett would have given a harder bitch slap ? wills wife did an interview about her needing other men to feel satisfied, she had a 25 year old bloke not so long ago, that family have lots of problems going on ?


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Just been talking to my second cousin,once removed, his uncle has been talking on Facebook to a man who is a New York taxi driver who claims the "Oscars Slap" was all a set up, paid for by Bill Gates, and choreographed by Dr. Faustus, (I think he meant Fauci), to distract us from the FACT that Covid has never existed, or was deliberately manufactured and released by the Americans and Chinese, he's not sure which scenario is correct.

And also that the vaccine is meant to kill us all off, or make us into compliant robots, again he's not sure which, and again, paid for by Bill Gates and developed by Dr. Fauci.

The Ukraine/Russia war is also false, its being filmed in a huge film lot in the New Mexico desert, you know the place, where the alien aircraft used to be sighted, but not so much these days. It's sponsored by a cabal of Jewish bankers and film producers, or the New World Order, or the illuminati, and I heard the Royal Family have shares in it, and of course Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci/Faustus are also involved , must be busy lads to have so many fingers in so many pies !

Anyway, I believe him, he was right about the planes that SUPPOSEDLY flew into the world Trade Towers being holograms, and they were actually blown up by either the CIA or Mossad, again, he's not sure which !

I got distracted by seeing a squirrel up a tree in my garden, so missed the rest of his conspiracy tales, but I'm sure I'll read them on here !


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