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A question for you running dog lads

Guest Dillon

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1/speed, but educated how to anticipate when to slow for the strike.

2/a confident manner, especially for dealing with big critters like fallow and sika. 3/strong enough to be able to hold them the best they can.

After that, i think it all depends on whether you would be wanting to run the bigger deer that require holding , or the smaller deer that can be flipped...

your dog will be the way it will be, best to look at the parent of any pup you aquire if you want it to be something special....JMHO....JD

this is a brace from 6 taken early one morning....



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Like i said earlier i haven't had a lot to do with the bigger deer but I've had 1 or 2  smaller deer munties and cwd but roe are my bread and butter so to speak. For me a dog must be able to catch and kill in a short space of time ( NOT HOLD KILL!!!!!!!) I won't settle for anything else but that is me, lots of dogs out there catch alot of deer and just hold them. But for me to clean there shit they have to do it with a bit of style :D I have seen big strong dogs of over 70lb get dragged round a field by cwd while my little 45lb has one on the floor in total silence with a throat hold  ;)  Now i have had a dog with a deer in a hedge bottom taking care of the job in hand while a farmer is cutting the other side of the hedge in a tractor and he was none the wiser of what was going on. If a dog that just hangs on was in that predicament you would be caught cos it would be either being dragged up and down or the deer would be bleating its brains out :(  One last thing a dog that doesn't kill quick usually spoils a lot of good meat  :realmad:

:yes: i remember that evening...that was when we started the word "Ian Trouser Snake"... :11: :11: :11: :11:

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your a sharp one you Ian ....What about for an ideal Deerdog a Saluki greyhound x deerhound greyhound???? a dog with all the attributes mentined earlier but in a larger package to deal with those larger critters?

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sounds like you havent run the right daytime roe mate..... :angel:

last season i saw scoob struggle to come to terms with a roe doe, i mean this deer was flying...she had seen a dog before and knew the craic...Loki, these deer get hammered, and i mean hammered as there are very few in my area. those that are left at the end of the season are either lucky or very good atheletes. I have travelled extensively down south mate and seen how much deer there is down there, so i dont think you can compare the two places.....imagine having to spend all day looking for a run? it happens up here, down south theres deer in every wood! :icon_eek:  :blink: just an opinion from someone that has run both places....good hunting......JD

i only lamp , i have seen fast dogs take roe and fellow,have seen slow dogs take roe and fellow on the lamp,and i live in a place that holds more deer then any were else,you could get run after run,speed dont come in to it,seen scooby run,on the way down,he caught a roe,but smashed his feet up on the first run,down here,my point is that there may be plenty of deer down here,but catching them is another thing,you may have the fastest dog around,that dont mean nothing down here were there is deer everywhere :good: if any of you want to come down there is plenty to go around B) j d what happend to are night out on the rut,,,,

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sounds like you havent run the right daytime roe mate..... :angel:

last season i saw scoob struggle to come to terms with a roe doe, i mean this deer was flying...she had seen a dog before and knew the craic...Loki, these deer get hammered, and i mean hammered as there are very few in my area. those that are left at the end of the season are either lucky or very good atheletes. I have travelled extensively down south mate and seen how much deer there is down there, so i dont think you can compare the two places.....imagine having to spend all day looking for a run? it happens up here, down south theres deer in every wood! :icon_eek:  :blink: just an opinion from someone that has run both places....good hunting......JD

i only lamp , i have seen fast dogs take roe and fellow,have seen slow dogs take roe and fellow on the lamp,and i live in a place that holds more deer then any were else,you could get run after run,speed dont come in to it,seen scooby run,on the way down,he caught a roe,but smashed his feet up on the first run,down here,my point is that there may be plenty of deer down here,but catching them is another thing,you may have the fastest dog around,that dont mean nothing down here were there is deer everywhere :good: if any of you want to come down there is plenty to go around B) j d what happend to are night out on the rut,,,,

Good point :search:

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