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Some headstone

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Im no marble sculptor mate ive no idea if its good,bad or indifferent but as someone mentioned earlier to have it in a public cemetery feet away from where others might want to sit in quiet reflection

Council's can sometimes be a bit on the officious side ,a bit small minded ,BUT there is a difference between insisting wind chimes are removed or getting letters warning about too many teddy bears on

It annoys me when councils decide what's tasteful or not in cemeteries. Its a matter of personal choice. f**k all to do with petty officials. One man's tackiness is another man's good taste.  Not

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11 hours ago, Daniel cain said:

Hopefully all the poor sods he ripped off over the yrs, someone will climb the wall one night and put a few hammers to it?


Happened last week back in the village Sean.. 

1 gravestone smashed..then they moved 5 Miles up the valley to the next village and smashed another 1 both the same family..why it was done I don't know..someone is pissed off about something..


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On 19/03/2022 at 18:35, Elchapo said:

That songs burned into my memory after first time I was forced to watch it , and the one who keeps going on about shite in a bucket and dirty junkies bastward y’a 

even google translate gave up on that c**t in that vid 

I just watched that song on the TV, my missus asked what language were they speaking ? it's like an Alan partridge parody ?

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On 21/03/2022 at 10:37, MH1 said:

Britain's 'biggest headstone' weighing 37 tonnes and featuring a solar-powered jukebox may have to be torn down after...


Some of them are toe curling with how they crack on, it ludicrous.

However, while not my cup of tea, it’s their dad and husband and if that’s what they want to do for him who is anyone to say otherwise…..we ain’t got to like it and it’s not our relative.

Its a bit mean spirited imho, they may want to act like a load of c**ts but we don’t have too.

As for the council playing to the mob and threatening to take it down, f***ing disgusting small minded pricks…..how would any of us like our dead relatives headstone torn down by some pointy nosed prick from the council ?

They wouldn’t lay a finger on it if the geezer was black !…….we would all probably have to march past it twice a day and they would declare a bank holiday ! 

f***ing newspapers, ain’t them c**ts got anything better to do?…..or is that all too “sensitive” in Yorkshire ?

Edited by WILF
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Can see where your coming from Wilf , but i think its the double standards of the council thats got peoples backs up , only last year the council telling people to remove cuddly toys  from graves also the amount of sightseers walking over other graves and leaving litter not helping to matter 

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Had a letter off the council last week..gave us 7 days to move a motorhome that's parked outside my old mums on a grass verge,we have maintained for 2/3 yrs...put the van up my mates secure yard Saturday morning..came home from work yesterday and there's metal railings there so you can't use the space...wankers! get a picture when I get home

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Council's can sometimes be a bit on the officious side ,a bit small minded ,BUT there is a difference between insisting wind chimes are removed or getting letters warning about too many teddy bears on a grave and constructing (without permission ) a 37 ton piece of vandalism that will have an impact on other people who also have loved ones buried in the shared space of a cemetery .The shear selfish thoughtlessness of putting that piece of very expensive tat to act like a magnet for beer swilling half wits having sing songs to the 'juke box '(a juke box ! Ffs ) ...culture be dammed ..A cemetery is a place of quiet contemplation ,and that tribe of selfish twats should recognise that .

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