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out of interest, foreign land hunting.

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I’ve travelled race course to race course each Friday in search of sport with gloves on my passenger seat 

I’ve completed the “mcwhin”  with phezzies Sammos in every county with  big land on my boots the only trophy to behold 

I adopted a stray saluki in Cairo and walked the A2 to cape town with nothing but a catapult , flip flops and the meat of the big 5 to keep us healthy. 

I completed the super slam in North America using only my wits, a bsa lightning.177 and the curvature of the earth . Pics of me can be seen in full real tree behind drinking troughs muttering “ there I was , the shot of a lifetime  beckoned “ 

do androids dream of electric sheep? 

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Aye, I would agree with you fellah?  

The master at work.

Ever do much by Milton Keynes tho

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51 minutes ago, baker boy said:

They're ugly bast@rds from what Ive seen on tele

Their looks are the best part of them, lol. I'm not racist and used to feel sorry for them but once you live near them you will hate them. I said to the mrs, who's from the UK that I despise them and she said she hates the pomms more. I asked a bit confused why ? She said they didn't do a good enough job getting rid of the lot of them, lol.

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To be fair it would be nice to hear some interesting stories about hunting, rather than just “Salukis are better than bull xs”, “whippets are shit”, “you’re a knob” “nah nah nah nah”.

I for one would deffo love to read about someone’s experiences in North Africa, Russia etc hunting with dogs. 

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12 minutes ago, SheepChaser said:

To be fair it would be nice to hear some interesting stories about hunting, rather than just “Salukis are better than bull xs”, “whippets are shit”, “you’re a knob” “nah nah nah nah”.

I for one would deffo love to read about someone’s experiences in North Africa, Russia etc hunting with dogs. 

But salukis and saluki coursing breds, ARE better than bull crosses. 

My good friend, Magoo, assures me, us, all of us, on a very regular basis.  ?

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8 minutes ago, baker boy said:

Ive got everything I need in the uk and enough good permission to be able to hunt my 2 main quarry species, fck driving past prime digging land to dig the same gear and from what Ive seen and heard from lads who've been abroad I doubt I'd be very impressed with Jonny foreigner

I just like an adventure mate. You only live once. 

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5 minutes ago, baker boy said:

Theres still places here I get flagged down between farms, dont even need to ask to go on farmers are asking me

We get the same. Do find it’s the easiest permission to get oddly. If you’re responsible and good that is. 

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Just now, levigsp said:

I have two different lots and other tribal peoples. I will dig some photos out one day. 


Please do, that would be appreciated, I have an invite from a few guys who work with first nations people here to visit Nunavut and watch them seal hunt,life is all about experiences ?

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