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I think I took my daughter hunting when she was months old but only to follow hounds on foot.


I guess it depends on your own personal preference, and what activities you are talking about.


I've been as honest as possible with her since she was old enough to understand about what happened when we followed hounds pre ban and she was fine.

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Well both my kids are very used to opening the freezer for a lolly and seeing a sectioned off area with chicks & the odd rabbit in there, :laugh: something i think most kids never see, so its like water of a ducks back to them, my two were 7 & a baby in arms when i went out as a complete newbie with my husband who had always worked ferrets as a teenager & he wanted to get back into it :D


But the day to day care of the ferret we got was soon left to me & i hated the bloody things, scared shitless of going anywhere near the horrible spitty thing :laugh: , so as he has lot all interest in the jill we took on i had to get on with it , and within 3 months i had aquired a hob kit & the rest is history as they say :D


he did his own hobby sidecar motocross which took him to europe and all over the place, so i started to go to shows in the sumer which i loved :D

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I have 2 children who are still too young really to go out with either my husband or myself as neither is walking yet. As for getting back into things after the births I was back out with the ferrets after a couple of weeks horse riding at about the same time and back at work when each baby was 4 weeks old. I think that ,like Missie if you are honest with your children then you can't go far wrong.

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I have 2 children who are still too young really to go out with either my husband or myself as neither is walking yet. As for getting back into things after the births I was back out with the ferrets after a couple of weeks horse riding at about the same time and back at work when each baby was 4 weeks old. I think that ,like Missie if you are honest with your children then you can't go far wrong.


It may be just me but i just wanted to get back to normal after having a baby i had 2 c sections so after the first one i knew what to expect & was determind to get back to normal & quickly & without any fuss :)

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I have 2 children who are still too young really to go out with either my husband or myself as neither is walking yet. As for getting back into things after the births I was back out with the ferrets after a couple of weeks horse riding at about the same time and back at work when each baby was 4 weeks old. I think that ,like Missie if you are honest with your children then you can't go far wrong.


It may be just me but i just wanted to get back to normal after having a baby i had 2 c sections so after the first one i knew what to expect & was determind to get back to normal & quickly & without any fuss :)


yes i had to have c-sections with both of my boys. scared me very badly when i found out i was pregnant the second time. my first was only nine months old. i just knew if i sneezed too hard i would burst the old seam and bleed to death or something!! :icon_redface: though i recovered faster the second time around than i did the first!!

however.. youngest is now ten/eleven months old and the oldest is two.. i'm not too worried about them freaking out over the fact that their dinner was a cute fluffy bunny or one of the chickens clucking around in the backyard.. hell, my oldest son follows me around the kitchen repeating "Turkey!" during the holidays lol


i guess i'm more or less concerned about trusting my boys to follow me around and do as their told while out in the woods. the oldest is a real punk... always running off to do his own thing or flat out ignoring me.. and he's only two!! :blink: he has absolutely no fear at all.... at my dads hunting camp he turned around and walked off down one of the trails all by himself. we waited to see if he would come back.. nope. still going! had to go and get him!! the last time i went fishing the little monster, in his efforts to avoid me, fell off the bank and into the river and i had to go in after him... 7 months pregnant at the time lol that water was COLD too! and no he didnt learn his lesson from that.


so my real concern is all of that. the youngest is the best behaved, comes when i call him, stays close to me. i dont have any fear of taking him anywhere! and i cant figure out why they're both polar opposites.. not sure where i went wrong in "training" them :hmm:


i'll just my husband for the oldest's attitude lol :whistling:

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Our kids have both ferreted and gone out with the hounds and terriers from a young age, made a few lads laugh at the sight of me turning up with oh for a days ratting with a 4yr old (i was also 8 months pregnant). Both kids take all of it in their stride and still enjoy it(hopefully it wont wear off), but i still smirk when we go ferreting and they tell me that i have to be quiet (noisest kids ever born when at home). :blink::blink:

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hi, we take our 4yr old son out and he loves it, he's really learning alot about the wildlife and such stuff, we try to take our 1yr old daughter but getting a buggy around the fields is pretty difficult lol but she has a big mouth and scares everything, ive tried a baby carrier but she's a bit of a fatty and was too heavy for me. cant wait til she's walking properly and learns to keep quiet haha

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