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Is there a way to get rid of ticks from ferrets

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Just started ferreting and got out one day before the season ends. Bolted 16 happy days, however they are covered in fleas but this doesn’t seem to be the problem the ticks are. Around the ears of my ferrets there are small white and bigger black ticks I have removed the ones that are visible and added spot on and also bathed them in an lemon solution I was just wondering if there’s a way to get rid of them next time I will be definitely putting lemon on them before they work. Any suggestions would be great??

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Cover the ticks in a good dollop of vasaline...they will fall off...if the ferret is crawling then some spot on or similar ?

Mate of mine just given up selling birds/reptiles etc at his shop...says the new laws coming in ,not worth the shit...had a tortoise and full set up for my daughter for £100...?

I have found this stuff to be fantastic for fleas and foot rot only ever had foot rot twice just use a light does works well. 

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  On 03/03/2022 at 02:45, Guss33 said:

I have found this stuff to be fantastic for fleas and foot rot only ever had foot rot twice just use a light does works well. 4E276DB1-FAFE-4A7F-B6F5-09AEEE134403.png.51462f2f4436321b8cf3b5eba24adef6.png


That's some horrible poisonous stuff but I found a ferret years ago with bad footrot and soaked it with that and painted it's feet with tea tree oil for about a week and it recovered perfect. I nearly lost a couple of fingers dipping the animal in the wash, lol.

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  On 26/02/2022 at 17:05, Ethan gunn said:

Just started ferreting and got out one day before the season ends. Bolted 16 happy days, however they are covered in fleas but this doesn’t seem to be the problem the ticks are. Around the ears of my ferrets there are small white and bigger black ticks I have removed the ones that are visible and added spot on and also bathed them in an lemon solution I was just wondering if there’s a way to get rid of them next time I will be definitely putting lemon on them before they work. Any suggestions would be great??


Get yourself some of this ? will sort any mite an lice out pal ?. Been around for years. Dust all your hutches out an dust bath Ferrets in it too before you go out. 


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  On 04/03/2022 at 07:07, socks said:

Why was he put on a drip ? 


He was ill with the bite after a few days of us pulling the tick off. The hospital said it looks like it may of got into his blood stream. At the time he was only 6 years old. There not a nice thing the wife blamed me because at the time I had ferrets an always bring quarry home an dealing with it there. But now if I get any quarry a will do it out on the land best way. Your not bringing any nasties home then. 

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  On 04/03/2022 at 07:56, Bangersanmash said:

He was ill with the bite after a few days of us pulling the tick off. The hospital said it looks like it may of got into his blood stream. At the time he was only 6 years old. There not a nice thing the wife blamed me because at the time I had ferrets an always bring quarry home an dealing with it there. But now if I get any quarry a will do it out on the land best way. Your not bringing any nasties home then. 


But why was he put on a drip ? There is no need to go on a drip for lymes disease …

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  On 04/03/2022 at 11:47, Bangersanmash said:

It's the bacteria in the blood whats caused through the tick bite. Which a don't even know why I'm explaining myself. You guys must know better than me eh ? 


Well after 22 years in the army spending most of that in the field I’ve see plenty of tick bites and people with lymes disease and not a single one went on a drip as there is no reason to go on one. Lymes disease is treated with anti biotics. 

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