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Russia Ukraine WW3

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Just now, Born Hunter said:

No but it does sound interesting. Unfortunately I don’t have the patience for many books and tend to just read stuff online on bits of history I’m interested in.

If Russia do f**k this up then they will never be taken seriously again. Logistics problems on their own doorstep! Forget expeditionary warfare.

It is basically the definitive book about the Russian tactics used in afghanistan, why they used them and why it failed badly. It is fascinating. 

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27 minutes ago, Born Hunter said:

It’s difficult to tell but it really does sound like Russia is struggling, and with some really fundamental stuff, like taking enough f***ing diesel! They allegedly still haven’t achieved air supremacy with Ukrainian air defences degraded but still going.

It sounds like everyone, including the pentagon, are surprised how bad Russia are doing.

I said way back on here how interesting this potential war would be. A real test as to the relevance of armour in modern war.

Short answer is it’s still not clear but Russia really haven’t achieved that much yet.

So it'd either the Russians have f****d up royally or the conspiracy is true,it was a 'fake' invasion an he took out all the bio labs lol barn burner this one born 

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7 minutes ago, SheepChaser said:

Something which I don’t think has been mentioned on here ? Anonymous declared war on Russia. That is probably going to hurt quite a lot, they are pretty capable folk. Be very interesting to know what they manage to achieve / have achieved. 

I did mention it.... Apparently shut down Russian mod page and gave out names of involvement.... God bless .... Hackers mostly russian by all accounts

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1 minute ago, Borr said:

I did mention it.... Apparently shut down Russian mod page and gave out names of involvement.... God bless .... Hackers mostly russian by all accounts

I’m wondering if this might have something to do with the logistics nightmare of orders being wrong, communications poor, not enough stuff taken etc etc. Doesn’t seem very Russian. 

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4 minutes ago, SheepChaser said:

If you look back over the last few years (I think I put a video up earlier) the Ukraine has an already existing, very good series of ‘militias’ as well as the regular army. I wouldn’t worry about their expertise! 

There's videos of handing out AK47's to the general population, but however romantic and patriotic it looks, I doubt even 10% know how to lock, load and move the safety off !

My point was we can supply all the high tech weapon systems we want but they need the expertise to use it.

I hope they do. I'd say, fairly certainly, that the west,( USA, UK,  The Five Eyes ), are giving all the help they can with satellite surveillance, radio traffic, etc, but it seems to me that it's the boots on the ground that will win or lose this war. ?


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1 minute ago, SheepChaser said:

I’m wondering if this might have something to do with the logistics nightmare of orders being wrong, communications poor, not enough stuff taken etc etc. Doesn’t seem very Russian. 

Out of likes , me ght have been hacked ..., Think Putin underestimated power of west , hopefully wee willy winkies get the message and don't start with Taiwan ......

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1 minute ago, chartpolski said:

There's videos of handing out AK47's to the general population, but however romantic and patriotic it looks, I doubt even 10% know how to lock, load and move the safety off !

My point was we can supply all the high tech weapon systems we want but they need the expertise to use it.

I hope they do. I'd say, fairly certainly, that the west,( USA, UK,  The Five Eyes ), are giving all the help they can with satellite surveillance, radio traffic, etc, but it seems to me that it's the boots on the ground that will win or lose this war. ?


Mostly to a battle hardened country, don't think of them as a normal EU country these guys have been fighting for decades...

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