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On the moles

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Here is a few pics, i dont personally use the small trigger which is same as a standard trigger narrow way on. The 3 on theses pics are (yellow) same as standard trigger big way on, (blue/white) 3mm bigger, (red) biggest trigger 6mm bigger than yellow. I use the 2 biggest triggers 99% of the time. As you can see when the trigger is loaded in the trap they are narrower at the bottom than the top, that way when they tip back they automatically want to throw of the trap unlike a standard trigger with 90 degree corners that can tip back wedging the jaws open and the trap not firing. Having different sized triggers enables me to set the trap with the jaws right up to the tube wall thus making it more likely that the mole will hit the trigger. In a lot of tubes the standard triggers are to small. 






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Just finished farm happy farmer 57 moles had grandson today with me he loves been on farms

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when i clean the tube out with the spoon i wiggle the spoon side to side, that tells me how big the tube is, i then use the trap fitted with the appropriate trigger that is the best fit for the tube. A putange with a standard trigger set in a big tube is like a trap in no mans land, the mole could go up the side of the trap, hit the post etc, therefore missing the trigger so no catch. If the trap is filling the tube it has more chance of catching. I now use Putanges almost all the time, with standard triggers i would not use them in big tubes for the reasons i pointed out. These triggers make the Putange into a much more versatile trap, i use them in any situation.

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4 hours ago, lifelong cumbrian said:

Here is a few pics, i dont personally use the small trigger which is same as a standard trigger narrow way on. The 3 on theses pics are (yellow) same as standard trigger big way on, (blue/white) 3mm bigger, (red) biggest trigger 6mm bigger than yellow. I use the 2 biggest triggers 99% of the time. As you can see when the trigger is loaded in the trap they are narrower at the bottom than the top, that way when they tip back they automatically want to throw of the trap unlike a standard trigger with 90 degree corners that can tip back wedging the jaws open and the trap not firing. Having different sized triggers enables me to set the trap with the jaws right up to the tube wall thus making it more likely that the mole will hit the trigger. In a lot of tubes the standard triggers are to small. 






I’ll vouch for these triggers. Still to have a backfilled or a tipped back trigger with one, iv had fairly busy season this season an won’t use the standard triggers anymore 👍

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3 hours ago, lifelong cumbrian said:

Thanks mate.  They are a game changer for me.

Agh I see its the angle that trips easier than the rectangle ones and the different sizes make them more versatile tks again for you and DIDO 1 kind gestures and info, I will have to see how I can give to the forum in return.

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Well done Felleh,...if canny guys like yourself didn't adjust things and introduce new innovations,. .the trapping world would simple stay in the dark ages...

Many thanks...🙏

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18 hours ago, OldPhil said:

Well done Felleh,...if canny guys like yourself didn't adjust things and introduce new innovations,. .the trapping world would simple stay in the dark ages...

Many thanks...🙏

Thank you Phil, that means a awful lot to me coming from a man with a wealth of knowledge in all things to do with the countryside.

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