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7 minutes ago, tb25 said:

Pint cans of Stella.. f**k a years a go was 12 to 16.

Been drinking more than half my life..a good 20 year.

f***ing sad mate..am honestly ashamed 

Think it’s alright in moderation but 8 pints a night might to a bit much ?, Stella not as strong as it use to be only 4.6% now, try and get it down to 4 cans a night and that’s not to bad, my bro has 4 pint cans of Stella every night until he realised it changed  4.6% now so has moved onto the Heineken ?

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Yep. My niece had that. They cut her head off, above the mouth, to stop it getting to her brain. Now, she lives on a plate and we call her The Limpet.  

You need to make sure you're drinking the right kind of water, and 6 bottles is out of sync  4 bottles for maintenance  8 bottles for reset Also be sure it's hopped and fermented correc

When you have any sort of problem in your life, drink is nobody’s friend ! 

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6 minutes ago, gnasher16 said:

Not digging at anyone on this topic but cant think of anything more draining than a hypochondriac ive had a good pal from schooldays who has spent his entire life never happy unless he's ill....f****n drives me up the wall constantly creating illnesses and pains that are never actually there....times ive told him to get some sort of mental help....personally i dont think drink helps the problem at all.

I agree..am hard work.drink certainly doesn't help Nash.

I can assure you mate.i don't enjoy this.i live in hell.

I didn't even want to get in to all this shit again but folk asked questions and I answered them honestly. 

If I could be someone else I would..but I carnt

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15 minutes ago, tb25 said:

But on a positive note..f**k this negative shit.

I brought my self a 6 grand car last month..New job on th 14th on this month and a great mrs and my son loves spending time with me.be in in the gym or just chilling.

Unfortunately I don't see my 2 5 year olds as I treated there mums terribly. Cheating and what not..

I got to woman pregnant at the same time.littery on the same street. 

f***ing shameful 


That went from positive to negative real quick ?

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3 minutes ago, tb25 said:

I agree..am hard work.drink certainly doesn't help Nash.

I can assure you mate.i don't enjoy this.i live in hell.

I didn't even want to get in to all this shit again but folk asked questions and I answered them honestly. 

If I could be someone else I would..but I carnt

My pal has that exact same line of patter mate.....i dont know you so wont be rude suggesting it but im 99% sure its a mental health issue with him rather than anything physical.

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It’s good to learn how other people deal with this sort of stuff. 

say for instance your having a lot of loose bowel movements how can’t you worry about it ? 

when everywhere you look it’s cancer this cancer that it’s as bad as the multi racial adverts it’s like your constantly reminded of all the bad stuff does my nut in. 

do “normal” people just brush it off ? Or go doctors get the all clear and that’s it ?


or that little inclination that they have missed something or you read on Google serious disease can go missed on blood tests ect. 

where does it end ?


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Just now, gnasher16 said:

My pal has that exact same line of patter mate.....i dont know you so wont be rude suggesting it but im 99% sure its a mental health issue with him rather than anything physical.

Again I agree..

But these lumps in my mouth ain't fake I no that lol.

Am full of mental health..I hate that term.but I suffer bpd.ocd.  obviously anxiety panic attacks. Currently being diagnosed with bipolar. 

And the biggest for me is not being a man..

Not looking for nothing of no one.i work daily pay my bills and feed all my kids..even the 2 I don't see.

Mate am just walking a path I was given 

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Stop drinking ,go to the docs for a complete mot ,address any concerns the mot may or may not bring up .



Ps don't cut back on drink ,don't wean yourself off drink just stop ✋

Pps any recreational drugs you may be taking ...stop ✋

Ppps start being HONEST with your self ,really ,really brutally HONEST

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20 minutes ago, Astanley said:

Stop drinking ,go to the docs for a complete mot ,address any concerns the mot may or may not bring up .



Ps don't cut back on drink ,don't wean yourself off drink just stop ✋

Pps any recreational drugs you may be taking ...stop ✋

Ppps start being HONEST with your self ,really ,really brutally HONEST

No drugs stan mate.

And I have been real honest with myself particularly the past few months..am making moves ...but your right..the time for talking is over..it gets you no we're but feeling sorry for yourself.

Certainly time 2 man up so to speak pal.

100 persent agreed..

It's coming mate

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Mate , I feel for you I really do . 

anxiety is a horrible thing and something no one else can contemplate unless they suffer from it 

it’s a terrible sadness that your unable to show others how this affects you other than through words . My mother in law has terrible mental health persecution issues and it’s irrevocably changed her life for the worst . 

she’s been through things that would destroy other people , I mean that , buried her husband and two sons in less  than 4 years does that to people . She’s a squash ball of emotions and can wildly vary from one minute to the next literally . 

but one thing you should remember is that there is no Shame or burden in pressing the nhs or it’s ancillaries for extra support . Your gp should be your 1st port of call . 

And that no matter how far you fall ,

or how dark it gets , 

you are never out of the fight . ?

I wish you good luck 


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6 hours ago, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

Mate , I feel for you I really do . 

anxiety is a horrible thing and something no one else can contemplate unless they suffer from it 

it’s a terrible sadness that your unable to show others how this affects you other than through words . My mother in law has terrible mental health persecution issues and it’s irrevocably changed her life for the worst . 

she’s been through things that would destroy other people , I mean that , buried her husband and two sons in less  than 4 years does that to people . She’s a squash ball of emotions and can wildly vary from one minute to the next literally . 

but one thing you should remember is that there is no Shame or burden in pressing the nhs or it’s ancillaries for extra support . Your gp should be your 1st port of call . 

And that no matter how far you fall ,

or how dark it gets , 

you are never out of the fight . ?

I wish you good luck 


Having you as a son in law is enough to give anyone mental health issues ! X

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