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22 minutes ago, tb25 said:

Still drinking mate unfortunately...f***ing hate the stuff..

Only way I can relax..vicious circle. 

No where near as much as I was but still 2 much..

One of the reasons I chose to work away tbh

I would try my hardest to get off it tb,you will not get better unless you do mate

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Yep. My niece had that. They cut her head off, above the mouth, to stop it getting to her brain. Now, she lives on a plate and we call her The Limpet.  

You need to make sure you're drinking the right kind of water, and 6 bottles is out of sync  4 bottles for maintenance  8 bottles for reset Also be sure it's hopped and fermented correc

When you have any sort of problem in your life, drink is nobody’s friend ! 

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The mind can be a powerful thing very strange feeling when it’s playing up.increased heart rate , stomachs all over the shop, sleepless nights it’s fuking draining. Totally uninterested in anything can barely talk. Bloody horrible .

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3 minutes ago, Qbgrey said:

The mind can be a powerful thing very strange feeling when it’s playing up.increased heart rate , stomachs all over the shop, sleepless nights it’s fuking draining. Totally uninterested in anything can barely talk. Bloody horrible .

Most anxiety is round the heart..I beat that now I get it in my eyes.head and belly..

I'll slowly fight them 2 mate.


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2 minutes ago, tb25 said:

Most anxiety is round the heart..I beat that now I get it in my eyes.head and belly..

I'll slowly fight them 2 mate.


Horrid mate you,d give 2 million quid away to stop it.I think just the stresses and strains of life can trigger it in some people. Work,debts, kids, bills ,cars etc .can see why some people sell up and go and live in a straw hut in the middle of Borneo 

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8 hours ago, lurcherman 887 said:

I thought I’d start drinking a lot more water be healthier ect drink 6 bottles a day and gave myself a bladder infection and over active bladder. sometimes it’s best to just leave yourself alone all this fitness drink more water stuff seems to just spark a problem don’t fix what ain’t broke 

You need to make sure you're drinking the right kind of water, and 6 bottles is out of sync 

4 bottles for maintenance 

8 bottles for reset

Also be sure it's hopped and fermented correctly 



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1 hour ago, Qbgrey said:

Horrid mate you,d give 2 million quid away to stop it.I think just the stresses and strains of life can trigger it in some people. Work,debts, kids, bills ,cars etc .can see why some people sell up and go and live in a straw hut in the middle of Borneo 

I think mine started around 23 ish when me the x and my first born moved in 2 our first house..

One day I fell to the floor.couldent move.all my back muscles was so tense..used drink ever since I get the feeling of anxiety again.wank mate..now drink makes me feel it

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But on a positive note..f**k this negative shit.

I brought my self a 6 grand car last month..New job on th 14th on this month and a great mrs and my son loves spending time with me.be in in the gym or just chilling.

Unfortunately I don't see my 2 5 year olds as I treated there mums terribly. Cheating and what not..

I got to woman pregnant at the same time.littery on the same street. 

f***ing shameful 


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Not digging at anyone on this topic but cant think of anything more draining than a hypochondriac ive had a good pal from schooldays who has spent his entire life never happy unless he's ill....f****n drives me up the wall constantly creating illnesses and pains that are never actually there....times ive told him to get some sort of mental help....personally i dont think drink helps the problem at all.

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