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Your Families

Guest gaia

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I'm wondering if most people have been brought up around country sports or are you the only one in your family into it?

I was brought up in London where my mum thought you were in the country when you were in Victoria Park! :icon_eek:

I have 6 sisters and I am the only one interested in life outside of London, even my twin has no interest. My family do not enjoy visiting me here on the farm as it is too smelly!

So are you the 'black sheep' in your family?

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Guest greengrass123
:angry: Never mind families got an invite to a shoot today went along got on great with every body .Then i mentioned that i kept lurchers after that a couple of the other guns treat me like a leper what the hells wrong with them arent we on the same side.
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:angry: Never mind families got an invite to a shoot today went along got on great with every body .Then i mentioned that i kept lurchers after that a couple of the other guns treat me like a leper what the hells wrong with them arent we on the same side.


Well they didnt happen to drive volvo estates did they :laugh: your as good as the next man :thumbs:

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I grew up on a beef farm and have hunted with my mum for as long as I can remember. My dad always went shooting and my sister and I used to beat. My sister has whipped in to various beagle and minkhound packs and now my dad hunts with foxhounds, beagles, minkhounds and staghounds. I suppose you could say my family are pretty into country sports.


One thing I have never done is fishing but I have to get over my odd fear of fish I think before that happens. :blink:

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my family were all brought up with animals racing pigeons,pet rabbits, cage birds ,ferrets dogs the only thing we haveny had is a cat i like them but i couldnt eat a whole one my wife isnt that keen on my dogs shes always threatening to shoot them lol :laugh:

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lived on the farm all my life up until two years ago im the youngest of four and the only girl always went ferreting, fishing then a bit older lamping and some shooting still ferreting and lamping oldest bro hairyarsedscotsman ferrets and shoots still another bro shoots and fishes and the third bro goes fishing now and again none of my other relatives are interested

Edited by wyliecoyote
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Guest little_lloyd

My mum was born deep in the gloucestershire countryside and her family have always shot and hunted with hounds etc,, My dad was born near to london but moved in to a village down here when he was a young one and has been into shooting ever since,,, My uncle is a deerstalker and kept ferrets years ago.

But my mum does not do anything countrysport wise at all ,, my dad still does a bit of shooting!!

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Guest little lurcher

come from a long line of country dwellers,always had lurchers and whippet, long term coursers, always raised our own for the table, grandad involved in a few dodgy scams when the maff were paying out many moons ago for various sicknesses!!! oops!!1 sadly he is no longer here but his tales and memories live on , i took over the running dog side from my father , been an uphill struggle to prove myself in a mans world,but i am getting there, working my whippets and showing what they can do has helped. i live less than a mile from sea, town and countryside in the directions from my home, my eldest son is sadly very disabled so he hasnt had much field experience although he did raise his own chickens for eggs and tale but my 3 yr old son is my constant companion with me on my late night field trips, im as soft as butter with my animals in anything they need but im pack leader and they know it! i have 12 dogs here all with a purpose and if im not in im out with the dogs doing something!!!

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im one of the biggest poaching familys around farm workers gamekeepers and butchers always had dags ferrets chickens pheasants ducks sheep pigs deer hares partridge snipe woodcock goose hanging around the place and the old dear now 74 can skin a rabbit quicker then most blokes can kill em and cooking you have never eat so much food as whot she dose there is enough for half the shropshire wollers and its GREAT :thumbs::thumbs::yes::yes::yes:

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i grew up in cardiff and altho it has its good [oints i would much rather living in the country. My dad done a bit of lamping an shooting when he was younger but he never old me about it or ever showed me i used to go on my own until i bumbed into someone while out and i have been going with them ever scince :thumbs:

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