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On 31/01/2022 at 16:03, WILF said:

I think you do what you can, where you can mate…..that’s the honest truth of it.

I always warned my kids off hanging around with ethnics and scumbags from no age, you just hope it gos in the nut and sticks there.

Thankfully, they have never had odd marks in their social circle.

I’ll also add, that no matter what age if your instinct tells you something, anything, is wrong then you step in, no matter what aggro it may cause because it’s almost inevitable you won’t be getting thanked for it at the outset.

I have daughters of 19 & 18 and I have been told to mind my own business more than once, but f**k it, you can’t neglect your duty just to be “the good guy”, sometimes you have to be the bad guy don’t you mate.

I suppose you're right i just wonder in todays times how much sway even a fathers word will have over kids with " modern attitudes "......whereby you think you are doing it for their own good but maybe you are really doing it for your own good and your own morals etc ?.....like i say it must be a tricky one.

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You got kids of your own?...when a female,tells you No,it means No,not force it f***ing in them.,get em wet and they change their mind,that's alright?..some of the comments from some of you members ..

If my son spoke to a girl like that he wouldn’t be able to speak for a week. 

I have no interest in footballers, I have no interest in ethnics. I have zero interest in dirty tramps who shack up with ethnic footballers. And I have no interest in their domestic arrangements 

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On 31/01/2022 at 16:46, mackem said:

In an ideal world, but "justice" is often the difference between how much or how little cash you have to shell out for top legal representation, the girls bruises, bloodied face, and voice recordings should sway it but.......... ?

You'd like to think so......my guess is his legals will be looking at some kind of entrapment/blackmail type caper.

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On 31/01/2022 at 18:01, jukel123 said:

I've not justified or defended him. I've described him as lowlife and obnoxious. I am saying this sort of shit happens thousands of times a day. Its only a story  because he's a high profile figure. 

In exactly the same way as this " high profile figure " would have a 12 year old boys front door kicked down and life torn apart for using the term " wog " on social media...........f**k him !

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14 minutes ago, gnasher16 said:

I suppose you're right i just wonder in todays times how much sway even a fathers word will have over kids with " modern attitudes "......whereby you think you are doing it for their own good but maybe you are really doing it for your own good and your own morals etc ?.....like i say it must be a tricky one.

Unfortunately chief, your own morals and beliefs are all you have to work with , it’s not always a good fit with youngsters who have young peoples attitudes and opinions but it’s all you got mate 

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18 hours ago, WILF said:

I think we have gone from an age of contempt for victims to skepticism of victims…..both schools of thought are wrong imho.

None of it is helped by things like the “me too” hashtag attention junkies who could have potentially put serious sex offenders behind bars years ago but instead decided to wait while they earned 10 gazillion dollars making movies while other girls fell victims to these pond life…..the tabloid expose, the insta relationship, OK magazine and Katie Price on the telly !

It has trivialised the most serious of harm into something we just don’t take as serious as we should.

All of those “me too” cretins should be in jail for not speaking out years ago !

If we are going to take this stuff seriously then let’s take it seriously regardless imho mate.

Looks at Katie Price, that girl should be in a hospital, not on the telly and her stupid f***ing mum should be done for allowing her daughter to do things that brought her to this point.

Hang on a second. So we are saying that women who dont immediately come forward and try to get prosecutions when they are sexually assaulted or raped .......are cretins who should be jailed ?

I assume this is you speaking as someone who has knowledge of being a woman who has been raped in a male dominated society which mostly legitimises violence and sexual misconduct against women? 

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11 minutes ago, SheepChaser said:

Hang on a second. So we are saying that women who dont immediately come forward and try to get prosecutions when they are sexually assaulted or raped .......are cretins who should be jailed ?

I assume this is you speaking as someone who has knowledge of being a woman who has been raped in a male dominated society which mostly legitimises violence and sexual misconduct against women? 

Come on mate it’s obvious what he is saying. They could’ve come out about it when it happened and saved a lot of other women in the industry. Coming out of the woodwork 20 years later after someone had the balls to stand up to an abuser just screams attention seeking but also shows the character of a person. They preferred to protect their earnings rather than come clean!

Is it easy for them? Is it fuuck! But it shouldn’t have stopped them protecting others rather than their career.

Wasn’t it Brad Pitt who pinned Harvey up and threatened to kill him 20 years ago and refused to work with him again? 

Imo this is totally different to vulnerable girls who did go to or were known by police, social services etc and were discarded as council estate slags!

Edited by mushroom
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11 minutes ago, SheepChaser said:

Hang on a second. So we are saying that women who dont immediately come forward and try to get prosecutions when they are sexually assaulted or raped .......are cretins who should be jailed ?

I assume this is you speaking as someone who has knowledge of being a woman who has been raped in a male dominated society which mostly legitimises violence and sexual misconduct against women? 

With all due respect mate, it’s one thing to “wait a while” while you pluck up courage to speak out about something horrible……it’s quiet another to wait 20 years, make 6 movies with and accept 20 million dollars from the geezer who you are now saying got a bit handy with you or forced himself on you violently !

Its bandwagon jumping imho and it has let down every single victim who ever came after !

Edited by WILF
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28 minutes ago, WILF said:

With all due respect mate, it’s one thing to “wait a while” while you pluck up courage to speak out about something horrible……it’s quiet another to wait 20 years, make 6 movies with and accept 20 million dollars from the geezer who you are now saying got a bit handy with you or forced himself on you violently !

Its bandwagon jumping imho and it has let down every single victim who ever came after !

Oh yer, totally agree on that particular example ? 

But ...... we do live in a society which has long been weighted toward males in a lot of ways. It is not easy for women to come forward and to go through the process. 

Ive spent some very frustrating times with young women disclosing various forms of sexual abuse..... and then trying to get them to go through the whole process and to court etc. It’s but nice and not easy. And as you know, my partner gets to see the sharp end plenty. 

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58 minutes ago, SheepChaser said:


But ...... we do live in a society which has long been weighted toward males in a lot of ways. It is not easy for women to come forward and to go through the process. 


That could apply to anything though not just women,we live in an age where society is crying out for " victims ".......almost pleading for them.

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2 hours ago, gnasher16 said:

In exactly the same way as this " high profile figure " would have a 12 year old boys front door kicked down and life torn apart for using the term " wog " on social media...........f**k him !

f**k her too. As much lowlife and obnoxious as him.

We are all woke snowflakes chewing the fat about some WAG tart  who gets a slap from a lowlife. If she was raped she would surely put up a fight and report him to the cops immediately. She was obviously willing to put up with his behaviour because she enjoyed the reflection from his superstar status.???

Loose women know where  to come if they want some panelists. THL General section.

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5 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

f**k her too. As much lowlife and obnoxious as him.

We are all woke snowflakes chewing the fat about some WAG tart  who gets a slap from a lowlife. If she was raped she would surely put up a fight and report him to the cops immediately. She was obviously willing to put up with his behaviour because she enjoyed the reflection from his superstar status.???

Loose women know where  to come if they want some panelists. THL General section.

Im guessing you are purposely just being a little bit silly as opposed to purposely being an absolute c**t.

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55 minutes ago, SheepChaser said:

And just to say, I didn’t read what Wilf wrote properly ? so I do agree with him. 

I’ve seen the Harvey/workplace type shit up close and personal in a company I worked at. I had the young girls, late teens early 20’s coming to me and crying on my shoulder etc too often, I get it’s difficult to come forward and cnuts never choose the ones that will. So I made a stand, said what I had to say and quit my job. Still good mates with a lot of the lasses and it didn’t affect my career because you don’t go saying shit about a company to your potential new employers ?

The last straw for me was a msg a 19 year old girl got at 11pm asking if she was wet! I told her (next day) to reply saying that if he sent anymore msgs like that to her or others she would report him. Not long after that I had my ding dong with them ;)

Sexual abuse is sexual abuse!

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