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Feral lurcher.

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Interesting & reminds of story relayed to me by a close mate who lives in FNQ(Queensland).While he was fixing a fence on his cattle station above Cooktown after the" big wet".He caught a movement

I saw a greyhound on the side of the highway in bushland south of Sydney around ten years ago. I pulled up around 100m past and walked back to see if I could catch the dog before it got hit. As I got

The litter brother to my old bitch Delta got loose and lived wild for around six weeks before my mate managed to catch it. It was living in a woods, haven't got a clue what it lived on. A local M

I saw a greyhound on the side of the highway in bushland south of Sydney around ten years ago. I pulled up around 100m past and walked back to see if I could catch the dog before it got hit. As I got closer I noticed the dog was a mass of huge black scars from untreated rips. It turned to me and started growling and another dog joined it, a huge hairy stag/ wolfhound type also scarred up and both skinny as. I made a quick retreat back to the car and drove off. These dogs had been living feral for years probably and they were looking at me as lunch, lol. They probably survived off roos and maybe pigs judging by the injuries on them. You could tell they weren't recently lost hunting dogs.

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I don’t think I’m modern times a dog living wild would last long without it being noticed it living wild it’d either die of starvation or be killed on the road or shot an rolled in to a ditch. It does sound romantic though but the reason Lurchers catching well is because we put them in the right positions to get them catches

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6 hours ago, poxon said:

I don’t think I’m modern times a dog living wild would last long without it being noticed it living wild it’d either die of starvation or be killed on the road or shot an rolled in to a ditch. It does sound romantic though but the reason Lurchers catching well is because we put them in the right positions to get them catches

I reckon that would depend where. You might be right here but there's plenty of dogs living wild in other places

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Mentioned on here before about a lurcher bitch rearing a couple of pups till they were bigger than herself, she had been living feral for a good while with no free handouts, me and a mate tried getting close to them a few times but they were having none of it, all ended up dead after taking a liking for mutton. 

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 Few years ago When we used to go ratting round perimeter fence of a big landfill site in Leeds there was a black lurcher that was there for a good few weeks couldn’t get within couple hundred yards of it and it was off in opposite direction to you then it just disappeared   so probably got a lead injection as there’s a small shoot not far away and it’s a big no no going anywhere near it with dogs of any type 

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A romantic idea but I would think the thing that would drive a dog most in that type of situation would be to seek out people, as has happened, unless it has experienced things that made it want to avoid people and then I imagine, depending where it was, it would be shot before developing skills to fend for itself in the wild even it were capable. In the UK anyway.

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The litter brother to my old bitch Delta got loose and lived wild for around six weeks before my mate managed to catch it. It was living in a woods, haven't got a clue what it lived on.

A local Miniature Snauzer got out one bonfire night and lived wild near my Allotments for around three months. I saw it many times, but only managed to catch it when it was trying to run in deep snow. Poor f****r was just about finished but I got it back to its owner and it made a full recovery.


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