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Wound On A Fox?

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:hmm: Point there, Gnips! I've been mulling it over. Looks too round for wire, I thought. Seen that done. Lacerates, in my limited experience.

Mange? Thankfully no hands on experience what so ever. But, from what I've seen on line; Would it not look less over all gleaming, if mange had advanced to That state?

And can mange cause such localised devastation, seemingly overnight? I mean, that's a Fukk of a wet one, looks of it.

No, I'd guess then that the Gnipper probably suggests the most logical seeming explanation. Fox on fox. Mouthful removed. Jesus! He fukking mean't that!

But, yeah. It Does tie in with what I've witnessed: Way a Dog will sort of stand, side on. Front feet on another's shoulders. Burrow in there. Guess we've near all seen that before?

No idea what an actual Dog might do. Never seen it. Come to think about it? There's no Dog around here capable of managing that, really.

Ooh! Can't discount a very lucky shave with a leopard, of course :good:

Anyone else not happy with feisty foxes? Seems the route of least resistance.

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Reckon that's possible, Jok? It had sort of flashed through my mind. Don't even know why dismissed it.

I'm no expert on wounds. I tend to kill what I fire at. Is a fair old patch though, isn't it? And so noticeably round.

I think it's the almost scientific roundness that got me so fixated in the first place. I've had them limping. With a dodgy eye. Completely minus an eye. But, this? Yeah. Just doesn't smack of anything I could see happening in nature.

Yeah. Thanks! I think rifle shot's a bloody good contender!


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Well, lads, I think we about have confirmation! :good:Caught him snaffling some slices of apple I'd left out, last night. Because of the purpose of the original exercise, I happened to get some crippling views of the ~ now patently obvious! ~ bullet wound!

Looks like it came in from his right side. Exploding amongst the fatty layer on the back of his shoulder blades. Must be the luckiest fox (still) alive! One inch either way and .....


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