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  On 02/01/2022 at 12:06, Moocher71 said:

You hand strip them and that way it don't do no harm ,clipping ruins the coat .


Stripping that wheaten x’s coat out like that makes no difference whether its hand stripped or had clippers go through it, once the outer coat is gone that’s it’s first line of insulation ruined, which will make the dogs core temperature become higher which is not desirable, the coat and the body fat serves as insulation from both the cold and the heat, majority of people that strip out a dogs coat in the summer believe it makes the dog feel cooler when the fact is it make the dog hotter in its core, I’ve hand stripped and used clippers on a dogs coat in the past when I didn’t know any better and I can tell you now it’s makes no difference to the dogs coat either way, you saying hand stripping is better is just an old wives tale, atb.

Edit required.

Was having a discussion with a couple of mates the other day about hand stripped vs clippers, one said like me he’s never noticed a difference between the two, the other pal, CB, said although he’d couldn’t really tell of a difference visually, he’d heard it mentioned somewhere in his distant past that clipping and/or cutting makes the hairs on the dogs coat thinner and if that’s the case then I agree with you moocher that hand stripping is the better option of the two, doing least harm as you say, best option all round in my opinion is to leave the coat as nature intended just brushed a couple of times a week to keep it in optimum condition, you talk a lot of sense moocher and I would value your opinion, atb

Edited by Countryman62
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Here's a few wheatan types owned by mates in the U.K. and Ireland. Two first crosses and their litter; Two line bred Wheatan/greys; Two litter sisters,  Deerhoun

it's nice to see the season of goodwill too all men and that malarkey is officially over. 

A christmas tale was good crack I can see why irish lads hate the english though  english lads talking about Wheatonx have a good 2022 lads ?

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  On 02/01/2022 at 13:25, All-terrain said:

He was having a go at Deans dog Diesel because he couldn’t get a pup off Dean the slimey c**t, I wouldn’t mind but he knows Dean is still in a coma and can’t say nothing back to what he has to say, if ye look at both threads he started about kong and had a screenshot off Chris hickling saying diesel breeding ready, he’s that thick he even messed that up, He’s always been jealous of Deans dogs, but like I say what’s even worse is he knows deans not well yet he still chooses to try and slag hes dogs off, he’s a proper snide c**t mate and I’m sure it will catch up with him soon, A-t


Its all making sense.. What a piece of shit. Kick a man whilst he down and all that

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Just for complete disclosure; the parti-coloured dog belongs to CH, my mate loaned him the red bitch to breed a litter, and this is the litter.



My mate offered me a pup, but it wasn't my type.

I don't want to get involved in a " he said-she said" , " my mate told me" type of discussion ?


Edited to add; I've evidently got my dogs and owners confused, it comes with age ! ? !

The parti coloured dog WASN'T owned by CH, it was owned by another person.

CH bred the red bitch and it was owned by my mate.

The breeding wasn't anything to do with CH.

I apologise for the confusion ?



Edited by chartpolski
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  On 02/01/2022 at 14:31, chartpolski said:

Just for complete disclosure; the parti-coloured dog belongs to CH, my mate loaned him the red bitch to breed a litter, and this is the litter.



My mate offered me a pup, but it wasn't my type.

I don't want to get involved in a " he said-she said" , " my mate told me" type of discussion ?




How olds this litter Chart's?.

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