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That’s me until New Year

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That’s me done until New year. Sat on a train right now heading to the in-laws, half cooked from last night, stinking bag of bud in my bag, mrs moaning, woman on the train hating on me already…. Only another 5 hours to go ???

What’s everyone else up to for Crimbo then?

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I'm at work today and tomorrow then, 11hrs on call on Friday - basically free money because I won't be called out but, no drinking until after 3pm.


Off to my parents for Christmas dinner and, round to her parents for boxing day.


This is one of those rare years where I've got everything ready early so, I'm looking forward to it :yes:


Hope you all have a good one, whatever you're up to :good:

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I've finally got the boundaries to about 1500 acres of stalking on my doorstep to explore, with muntjac all the way up to 20+ point stags roaming about. So yeah, I intend to break my iphone step counter over the two weeks I have off!

My Xmas has changed quite dramatically since my mate had to promptly move into my spare room... :angel:

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Broke up on Friday have almost 3 weeks off on full pay and a nice Christmas bonus to boot, sadly my daughter has the Rona and my wife is getting very stressed as it will be the first time in 34 years we won’t have a full family compliment for the day, funny thing I don’t care and am quite happy for us all to be together but she doesn’t want to be the one to give it to her mum and dad, strange new world, strangely the entire family are showing the exact same symptoms but only one is coming back positive and we have all mixed at some point with each other and now have a cold ??

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Work today and tomorrow,back in on the 27 th...Mrs works Xmas day,so myself,the kids and a  couple of dogs will be jumping in the motorhome on Xmas Eve,shooting off for the night spot of fishing..get back Xmas day evening and kids will open their presents with the wife ...f**k any silly covid restrictions??

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I worked this morning but left job at 9am to frozen to lay bricks and I be fuked if I was sitting about till 11 ish. Going to get a huge rib of beef and some lagers etc. beers with mates this afternoon, she’s got friends round tonight(boring b*****ds).logs for fire tomorrow and quiet Xmas day at home. Boxing Day prob have a shoot somewhere then pub

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Off this week mostly shooting the 1 million rabbits the farmer told me about when I dropped his bottle off ?,  back into work Boxing Day night for a 12 hour shift hope it’s quieter than last year I had a one under which caught me by surprise, on that cheerful note Have a great Xmas with your families and a prosperous New Year. 

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Had a big ding dong at work with one of our construction managers, was ready for walking at one point. 

I'm down to work Christmas and Boxing Day, might just get Peter Barlowed over this festive season instead and fcuk em.  ??

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Work till 12 tomorrow then finished till 4th jan, going straight round girlfriends new flat to paint bedroom round there Friday painting  as well , Christmas spending with parents as she’s up her eldest lads  pub near Bristol til Monday . Then I got to go pick her up. 
Rest of my holiday will be either painting / tinkering with the bicycles or spending time with her.



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