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Gone Rabbiting

Guest Magwitch

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Guest Magwitch

I had the day off work today to do a bit of ferreting as the farmer is getting a fair bit of damage to his apple tree's, he asked us to ferret a hedgerow behind the house and we obliged. The weather held off most of the day just some drizzle and a strong wind but bearable all the same. We unfortunately bolted a couple of youguns which takes the shine off the ferreting for me but still a enjoyable day. The bottom row of rabbits are what the farmer had shot a couple of nights previous he told us that he had shot 80+ with the rimmy so we picked a few up for ferret food. We are out again tomorrow for a few more :thumbs:


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Guest Magwitch

There's probably about 200+ arces of plums apples pears and cherries plus a large set aside field on this farm and we do the neigbouring farm which is another 100+ acres of orchard i should imagine, both are overrun with rabbits.


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Guest Magwitch
Im going out on subday with the pup agian,, But im taking all three stinkers along,, All my nets and a longnet so hope to get few more rabbits.



chears mate did you use those little mouse ferrets and are you selling any in the spring am looking for one around then very small one

Hope you have a good day LL :thumbs: I had a small hob out with me today and three of his bigger brother's, i gonna breed one litter this year if there's any tiddler's your welcome to have one.

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