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Anyone remember Bernie Goetze ?  Back in 1984 he shot four men who tried to mug him on a New York Subway. He evedntly got four rounds off in 1.6 seconds !!! Then walked over to one of the mu

Tomorrow  is Thanksgiving here in America.We will spend the next 4 days eating with family and hunting.I have always  tried to be thankful for men like George Washington and Davey Crocket.Heroes in my

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  On 20/11/2021 at 09:43, paul sr said:

I fully agree with the right to bear arms . But a 17 year old school boy shouldn't have being on the streets with that kind of weapon in that situation. There is the question of parental responsibility. Nice to see he was found not guilty. 


I had that exact conversation with my wife earlier.

She said “why has he got that type of gun” but like I said to her, we can’t think about guns in America in our terms.

Guns in America are as normal as mobile phones, it’s just not considered an issue.

As I also said to her, would it have been more acceptable if he had taken a hammer and killed then with that ? 

AR15’s can be purchased in ASDA in the US!!

Just like we can purchase a hammer.

Lastly I said to her, “If a group of people was breaking in our house would you rather I had an AR15 or a hammer ?”

Her answer ?

AR15 !

simple isn’t it 

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I've read the transcript from the emergency service call he made. 

"I need an ambulance immediately as I've just shot someone in the chest and he is not responding."

"Calm down sir, are you sure he is dead?" 

Bang! "He is now."

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Back in the early nineties the nyc mayor dinkins band hunting rifles in the 5 boroughs. Men had these rifles for deer stalking and hunting coyotes up state.    That was the mayor's solution to the high homicide rate . Disarm  law-abiding people . Firearms aren't the problem, criminal's are the problem. 

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  On 20/11/2021 at 14:20, Deker said:

I remember the incident at the time, its another world altogether regarding guns in the USA.

Still not quite sure I get the verdict, seems to me he was out looking for trouble, but I obviously don't have all the facts.

Apparently Biden thinks he was guilty, so if that senile old man thinks that, then I guess he must be innocent!


He's on video help carry a blm protestor,clear as day

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  On 20/11/2021 at 12:13, chartpolski said:

Anyone remember Bernie Goetze ? 

Back in 1984 he shot four men who tried to mug him on a New York Subway.

He evedntly got four rounds off in 1.6 seconds !!! Then walked over to one of the muggers who was slumped in a seat, and allegedly said " you don't look too bad" and shot him again, severing his spine.

All four muggers had previous, and said they were on their way to rob a video arcade. Three of them admitted they were going to mug Goetze.

At first a Grand Jury refused to indict him on the most serious charges, although he was later charged and found not guilty. He was found guilty of possessing an unlicensed fire arm and given an 8 month sentence.

Crime in New York dropped drastically after this, though the left wing media denied it was because of Goetze's action.

Mans a hero in my eyes.



There's only so much people can take Charts ?


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Isn’t it how this left wing narrative is going over there. Ban legal held guns cos the  good ol Yankee boys keep em. But want to defund the police who catch the bad boys who got guns illegal , Get rid of gas guzzlers cos Yankee boys own em , trash the ther flag cos the Yankee boys love ther flag , twist the Yankee boys kids minds at school with crt and gender ball bag education , have all these highly paid folk uttering the same white supremacy shit over n over again   Brainwashing folk into believing gangs of white people hinting em down when gun crazy gang bangers shooting up ther own in Chicago and many other leftie run cities  while declaring everything other than ther view is far right. It’s insane thers some good folk who can see the bigger picture and damage ther narrative is doing  this little spell of the black and poor saviours the dems is proving a disaster on all levels. Borrowing is an old socialist thing  allowing men to go into female prisons on ther gender choice and entering female restrooms cos they identify as a woman is a Liberal Democrat weirdo thing , I’m sure it’s just another poke at the Yankee man , anything other than what the liberal narrative desires is deemed a white supremacy headline ,gets a bit boring when you know the next headline glory hunter will spout them words 

Edited by green lurchers
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