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Just now, SheepChaser said:

What you on about wilf? 

If you’re going to have an opinion try to get the background right. 

Thank you for access to our tech during the wars ?

Remember the film saving private Ryan? Remember when they get to the beach and use long explosive charges in tubes to blow the defences ? Bangalore torpedos. Invented by Indian troops in Bangalore.

Out officers ? My grandfather like many others was in charge of a lot of Indian troops from the age of 16. As he said, he would never have made it home if it wasn’t for the full time professional soldiers who served under him, particularly the NCOs. 

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I thought something may have been mentioned on here today as it’s armistice day …. anyway lest we forget ……

As much love,respect and appreciation as we all have for fallen soldiers its hard to stomach a society that demands that for 1 day of the year we act all patriotic and proud of the sacrifice men made

Mate, surely it’s about remembering, not posting on a forum/fb/insta etc.

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6 minutes ago, WILF said:

Then let Sikhs celebrate them where they live, we’ll do ours, they can do theirs…..everyone’s a winner ! 

Would have been a bit of an issue if they’d decided to only fight for where they lived and for themselves though wouldnt it. 

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9 minutes ago, WILF said:

I’m on about having to shoehorn wogs into every single aspect of our life !

You ain’t one of those “black history IS British history” types are you ? 

Are you confused ? Blck history ? Sikhs aren’t black. They were serving troops in the British army fighting for us...... including in the trenches in Europe ? What did that have to do with them ? You’ll have a fair struggle making the claim that the history of folk wearing a British uniform and fighting as part of the British army ...... isn’t British history just because they aren’t white so you don’t like them. 

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39 minutes ago, SheepChaser said:

Are you confused ? Blck history ? Sikhs aren’t black. They were serving troops in the British army fighting for us...... including in the trenches in Europe ? What did that have to do with them ? You’ll have a fair struggle making the claim that the history of folk wearing a British uniform and fighting as part of the British army ...... isn’t British history just because they aren’t white so you don’t like them. 

If it was just a little one off nod to the darkies nobody would give a shit, but it’s constant and relentless and all pervasive in every walk of life.

I bet nobody in India thought “hold it, better make sure we represent the white bloke”

Whats it doing there is the point !……because I think we all know and it has f**k all to do with being grateful to anyone for the war.

What next?…..Orange Parades making sure catholics are properly represented ?

Sinn Fien conference making sure there’s a few Paratroopers kicking about for good measure ?

f**k me, we owe our life to wogs don’t we ! 

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53 minutes ago, SheepChaser said:

If you’re going to have an opinion try to get the background right. 

Thank you for access to our tech during the wars ?

Remember the film saving private Ryan? Remember when they get to the beach and use long explosive charges in tubes to blow the defences ? Bangalore torpedos. Invented by Indian troops in Bangalore.

Out officers ? My grandfather like many others was in charge of a lot of Indian troops from the age of 16. As he said, he would never have made it home if it wasn’t for the full time professional soldiers who served under him, particularly the NCOs. 

Dear Abdul,

thank you for the exploding stick !

there you go, done !

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f**k me, it just occurred to me…..we could have saved a fortune.

f**k silly old whitey inventing the battle ship or the submarine or the machine gun or the Lee Enfield Rifle……we owe it all to Sinbad for coming up with the idea of taping a stick of dynamite to long stick !

Genius !

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It’s funny cos now you do just sound like someone who just had a problem with the colour of someone’s skin. 

So if a man fought and died for us, in a British uniform we shouldn’t respect his death because he wasn’t white ? But if a fella died and was white doing same thing then we respect his death ?


Are you  saying that the the actions of the Sikh troops was less worthy of celebration and remembrance than their white counter parts ?

Where does that leave my family members ? If what they did less valued and not worth remembering because the men they commanded were not white ? 

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2 hours ago, SheepChaser said:

Hang on a min. It’s Remembrance Day, celebrating those soldiers that died. That includes an awful lot of turban wearing Sikhs. Like it or lump it, it’s not virtue signalling .... it’s fair and right we remember them. It’s not about diversity it’s about fair representation. 

And Sikhs ain’t black mate. 

Its Remembrance Day every year whats different this year that we now have to whack some turbans on the fallen soldier cut outs ?......its ok dont be afraid to say it.....diversity thats what........diversity that we never asked for.

" Sikhs aint black mate "........i know this i have my own eyes !...my point was that in a city that is now majority non white there was literally none paying tribute this morning....again,dont be afraid to say it......they dont respect what we respect.

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Just now, SheepChaser said:


Are you  saying that the the actions of the Sikh troops was less worthy of celebration and remembrance than their white counter parts ?

In Britain it is, yeah…..nobody else is doing this crap except maybe those deluded yanks.

Its just f***ing weird ! 

Nobody else is doing this shit…..at all !

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5 minutes ago, SheepChaser said:


Yer it’s a really new thing mate ..... real new. 

There’s war memorials in nearly every British town, why a special film about this one ?

I know why…….answers on a postcard !

Cant believe the poor c**ts got so many head wounds ! Lol


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Don’t take this the wrong way but you lads are f***ing clueless on this.

You’re letting your own prejudice blind you to facts. Not like you.

We were more than happy for Indian troops to fight our war alongside us. And you don’t want to remember or respect them because they are non white.

Cant really even begin to argue with that, but f**k me I bet if you went back and spoke to those veterans or those folk who served alongside them..... they wouldn’t agree with you. 

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3 minutes ago, WILF said:

There’s war memorials in nearly every British town, why a special film about this one ?

I know why…….answers on a postcard !

Cant believe the poor c**ts got so many head wounds ! Lol


There are lots of films about lots of things just apparently some folk need a bit of educating about this. I suppose when they built the memorial it was just a bunch of lefty woke folk

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1 minute ago, SheepChaser said:

Don’t take this the wrong way but you lads are f***ing clueless on this.

You’re letting your own prejudice blind you to facts. Not like you.

We were more than happy for Indian troops to fight our war alongside us. And you don’t want to remember or respect them because they are non white.

Cant really even begin to argue with that, but f**k me I bet if you went back and spoke to those veterans or those folk who served alongside them..... they wouldn’t agree with you. 

They wasn’t doing us a favour mate, we ran the gaff ! 

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1 minute ago, SheepChaser said:

There are lots of films about lots of things just apparently some folk need a bit of educating about this. I suppose when they built the memorial it was just a bunch of lefty woke folk

When they built that thing they wasn’t pretending we owe wogs everything and shoehorning them into every facet of life at every opportunity.

It was a genuine thank you not some politically correct bollocks  

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