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Acute shoulder pain

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You,ll have no livers or kidneys left the way your going, all these drugs have an effect on your body’s internal organs, that’s why I apply home made cream and eat the best honey I can buy, last time

If we are doing “suffering top trumps” then I have had the big, sandpaper tipped cotton bud down my japs eye……let me tell you, that really does make your f***ing eyes water ! 

Mate, I’m 50 and around 2-3 stone overweight, ex 40 a day smoker and I have played football probably a 100 times since I had my jabs…..if I was going to have a clutcher I’d have had one by now ?

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  On 11/11/2021 at 09:55, WILF said:

Yep that’s about the strength of it mate and why I don’t think it’s helpful all this scare mongering about jabs and all that shit.

With all this Covid nonsense none of us are just thinking straight half the time, we are looking for some wildly complicated sinister reason for things that are just ordinary.


I think it's fair enough folks being critical of the vaccines and wanting to look into the data. That's up to them. But as you say, f***ing hell, this isn't exactly one for Columbo is it...

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  On 11/11/2021 at 10:07, Born Hunter said:

I think it's fair enough folks being critical of the vaccines and wanting to look into the data. That's up to them. But as you say, f***ing hell, this isn't exactly one for Columbo is it...


It was just the initial “ohhh, have you been double jabbed?” Remark that twisted me….

”Nah, I’ve been knocking my bollocks out all my life on building sites Mrs Curie” ! Lol ? 

Edited by WILF
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  On 11/11/2021 at 08:35, TRUEBRIT66 said:

And for the record I've had cortisone a number of times on a frozen shoulder a number of years back and they didn't hurt any more than a normal injection for me, so just goes to show our bodies all react differently to different things.


Had the same thing three years ago, calcific tendonitis.  Had cortizone injections, which wore off after less than an hour, then hospital for x-rays etc, and a course of physio of about a dozen different exercises/stretches, to be performed three times a day.  That started working after a few days, could feel it freeing up a bit, and pain easing.  Kept the stretches etc going for a couple of months, til my shoulder was practically back to normal.  Still do a few of the streches etc a couple of times a week, to keep it mobile.  

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  On 11/11/2021 at 10:09, WILF said:

It was just the initial “ohhh, have you been double jabbed?” Remark that twisted me….

”Nah, I’ve been knocking my bollocks out all my life on building sites Mrs Curie” ! Lol ? 


Christ I explained myself...............but how about this to twist you a bit more

”Nah, I’ve been knocking my bollocks out all my life on building sites Mrs Curie, always been pretty much fit as a flea but since I had the jab I've suffered to buggery” 

As you say probably just wear and tear but changes things a bit don't it hence my question. 

I mentioned in another post I've just been told I have fibromyalgia, its agony, I cant manthefuckup because I cant move some days and the doctor can give no explanation why it has suddenly flared up, am I looking for something that's not there and I'm just getting old, who knows Doctor don't that's for sure.

Anyway hope Borr's shoulder gets better. ?

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  On 11/11/2021 at 11:05, TRUEBRIT66 said:

Christ I explained myself...............but how about this to twist you a bit more

”Nah, I’ve been knocking my bollocks out all my life on building sites Mrs Curie, always been pretty much fit as a flea but since I had the jab I've suffered to buggery” 

As you say probably just wear and tear but changes things a bit don't it hence my question. 

I mentioned in another post I've just been told I have fibromyalgia, its agony, I cant manthefuckup because I cant move some days and the doctor can give no explanation why it has suddenly flared up, am I looking for something that's not there and I'm just getting old, who knows Doctor don't that's for sure.

Anyway hope Borr's shoulder gets better. ?


In fairness mate, it wasn’t just you ?

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Woke up early hrs last Saturday morning around 3 am for a piss...rolled over and went to get up,and had a shooting pain traveling down from my shoulder to my wrist, couldn't put any pressure  whatsoever on it for a good 3 days?was throbbing like f**k,struggled to roll a fag,hold a cup of tea?..few days of the hottest baths I could handle and smothering the arm,wrist and shoulder with deepheat then ice packs sorted it out...I had been on a jackhammer for 2 days solid and mixed/layed 6 ton of concrete by hand...we are not getting any younger Joe...time for my young labourer to do a bit more me thinks ??

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  On 11/11/2021 at 11:05, TRUEBRIT66 said:

Christ I explained myself...............but how about this to twist you a bit more

”Nah, I’ve been knocking my bollocks out all my life on building sites Mrs Curie, always been pretty much fit as a flea but since I had the jab I've suffered to buggery” 

As you say probably just wear and tear but changes things a bit don't it hence my question. 

I mentioned in another post I've just been told I have fibromyalgia, its agony, I cant manthefuckup because I cant move some days and the doctor can give no explanation why it has suddenly flared up, am I looking for something that's not there and I'm just getting old, who knows Doctor don't that's for sure.

Anyway hope Borr's shoulder gets better. ?


I am the same as you fellah...?

It ain't much fun waking up most mornings in pain,...kind of fecks your life up a tad.

I started getting aches and pains a few years back, and I now suffer badly with Osteoarthritis.

My hands are pretty bad, and some days I struggle to even neck a rabbit!

It seems as though every time I get a few good days, and get down and dirty and take on a wee job,. I invariably pay the price a day or so later. Its a bummer really, because it is hard to accept invitation for trips out hunting, because you don't quite know how you are going to feel in a week's time..

So,.. you just have to say thanks, but I am otherwise engaged.

I've, tried a few courses of Naproxen , but although it seems to work for a while, it is not long before the worn out bones start crunching together, and the dull, constant ache begins...I think its just an age thing?

I feel for anyone who has to endure pain,...and although my own malady is pretty low down on the scale of debilitating injuries,. I would love to go back twenty years,.. but sadly, that ain't gonna fecking happen..?

Go careful now lads, stay safe, kind regards, OldPhil.?



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  On 11/11/2021 at 08:06, WILF said:

Oh f**k off with all your double jabbed nonsense, the bloke is probably middle aged and has hurt his shoulder doing something…..simple as that.

Fantastical as it may sound, my wife managed to dislocate her shoulder 20 years ago reaching for her hand bag in our office……amazingly she wasn’t Covid jabbed either ! 

Borr, you have hurt your shoulder mate, some pain killers and anti inflammatory drugs is what you need…..cortisone injections hurt like a b*****d.

Get well soon ?


if its pulled muscle etc certain persitions  moving it a certain way will ease it for  a few seconds 

why the feeling sick ?body has anxiety pain in his  shoulder going down his arm while feeling sick if your sweating but cold it would be wise to get checked 

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I was on the floor a couple of weeks ago with my sciatica. Had a couple of months over summer where it reigned in, so didn't pay any mind, lifted my leg to put a shoe on and boom. I hit the floor faster than a pisshead tripping over his shoelaces. I've been waiting months for cortisone injections. Over-counter pills don't work and the ones they wanted me to take leave you drooling.

Joe, alternate between hot and cold packs, plenty of rest and hot baths. Keep it moving but not excessively ;)

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  On 11/11/2021 at 12:08, mC HULL said:

if its pulled muscle etc certain persitions  moving it a certain way will ease it for  a few seconds 

why the feeling sick ?body has anxiety pain in his  shoulder going down his arm while feeling sick if your sweating but cold it would be wise to get checked 


I meant the pain early this morning made me feel nauseous, I'm all good now , not moving it and sucking on tablets....

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