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muzzle for polecat ferret

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why you need a muzzle mate if its to use while working your ferret,you are bassically killing your ferret think about it if heaven forbid your ferret gets lost while out ferreting and you cant track him ect ect how is it goin to eat,but thats just if you where goin to work with the muzzle on


just my opinion :drink:

Edited by markieboi
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Guest bigredbusa

it's an old type of muzzle , it gives the polecat 'greyhound' type super powers , i have heard in the good old days these where used for badgers as them minshaw dogs just where just not up for it :)

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Why on earth would you muzzle a ferret. Poor thing. A ferrets needs all the weapons it can muster when going down a rabbit hole. In my opinion if a ferret can not be handled with ease when ferreting then it is dangerous thing especially when you employ staff.


You need to have ferrets that you feel confident with. Chasing ferrets is not the game I like to play especially if they are taking chucks out of your hands.


My staff wouldn't have it either.


Sound like you need to spend more time with this particular animal. If its a young ferret handling will get them through the nipping stages.


regards Roger

Edited by R_Oldroyd
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Why on earth would you muzzle a ferret. Poor thing. A ferrets needs all the weapons it can muster when going down a rabbit hole. In my opinion if a ferret can not be handled with ease when ferreting then it is dangerous thing especially when you employ staff.


You need to have ferrets that you feel confident with. Chasing ferrets is not the game I like to play especially if they are taking chucks out of your hands.


My staff wouldn't have it either.


Sound like you need to spend more time with this particular animal. If its a young ferret handling will get them through the nipping stages.


regards Roger


well said :thumbs:

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Relax lads....

It was just a question someone asked me the other week and i thought i would throw it up here and see what would come up.

Personally i dont have ferrets. Was just trying to help out a mate with an answer...

Thanks anyway..

Good luck and happy hunting... :whistling:

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