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  On 26/10/2021 at 20:33, chartpolski said:

When it starts to be a chore, when it's not fun anymore, then it's time to get out the game !

Im sitting here listening to the wind and watching the trees whipping about ,wishing my pup was old enough to be out on the lamp !

When I lose that feeling, I'll know it'll be time to hang up the lamp ! ?



got the wind here charts but its dried it right up i

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Work and farm life dictates that my dogs are 99% run under the lamp . Having the farm is good because they stay fit by coming with me to see stock , I should probably walk more than just ride round on

Ended up going out charts with we smudge no the easist of ground but done good picked up a we injury but pleased with her 

This thread is depressing me more to life than work lads enjoy ur dogs 

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  On 26/10/2021 at 20:41, chartpolski said:

Been out a couple of times today, just walking the dogs, and the ground is just about perfect, saw a fox and a roe, the urge to slip was almost overwhelming, but the pups still far to young.



its a twat youve slipped without wanting to natural reaction 

i had young dogs out chasing about lead walk for me runners im out soon give them few mile behind motor 

and wait on rain 

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Nicely put Charts?



P ,surely it's better to keep your hand in...than give up completely? What the f**k else would you do? Can't see you in f***ing lycra riding round the countryside on an ebike or a protein shake gym freak...? ...I will get a whippet and teckel in my old days?

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My current lurchers are in their retirement now and I'm keeping myself amused with the bushers. Once the old ones shuffle off and make space I will be looking for another fast dog. Question is will I go whippetty cross to complement the bushers or something a bit bigger and able to do more?

I'm lucky enough to be able to take dogs to work with me and got plenty of mooching ground on the doorstep so don't have to work too hard to get them out and about. I do miss the lamping though when the weather is right, like now.

I shoot too, mainly deer stalking, so that keeps me out and about but it's not the same as the dogs.

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I admit to being a selfish feker when my kids were growing up instead of putting all my time and energy into doing something more constructive instead of poaching and running lurchers maybe i would be better off now though to the wife's credit my kids have reached adulthood without being addicted to drugs or have ever been in bother with the law only bit of advice i would give younger lads with the lurchers is treat it as an hobby and not an obsession.

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  On 27/10/2021 at 10:53, tatsblisters said:

I admit to being a selfish feker when my kids were growing up instead of putting all my time and energy into doing something more constructive instead of poaching and running lurchers maybe i would be better off now though to the wife's credit my kids have reached adulthood without being addicted to drugs or have ever been in bother with the law only bit of advice i would give younger lads with the lurchers is treat it as an hobby and not an obsession.


That’s it I get abit obsessive with it but I’m lucky to have a good family base and manage to spend a lot of time with my daughter aswell 

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Wait till your in a game larder every day cleaning or using a plucker it's like anything to much will make you sick my mate wanted to gilli on the tay a life time dream he ended up hating it becomes a job ?I've always been happy being a part timer il.decide when I go or not 6 days a week no thank you ????????

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Mrs lets me do what I want,when I want....









....if I take a child or 3 with me?. ..they at the age now where they love a night under the stars fishing,if we go ferretting,lamping they are no bother, thankfully they never moan their cold and enjoy being outside no matter the weather,the 2 oldest especially,used to take my eldest out digging, following hounds etc from about 18 months old in a papoose? Bottle warmer for milk in the front of the truck,happy as a pig in shit?my daughter I would say is the keenest of them all,helps feed,clean,walk the dogs,she looks after our ferrets, dogs,snakes,fish and her little pony Maggie ?DSC_0820.JPG.9fc6fba15b59d31ee8ffd692bd48f926.JPG

Obviously theres times when I do get out on my own for certain things...but in all honesty... I love having them around me,asking questions and wanting to learn?

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  On 27/10/2021 at 12:02, Bearfoot said:

Wait till your in a game larder every day cleaning or using a plucker it's like anything to much will make you sick my mate wanted to gilli on the tay a life time dream he ended up hating it becomes a job ?I've always been happy being a part timer il.decide when I go or not 6 days a week no thank you ????????


i get like that after plucking 3 pheasant ?start just skinning them like a bunny 

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  On 26/10/2021 at 20:33, chartpolski said:

When it starts to be a chore, when it's not fun anymore, then it's time to get out the game !

Im sitting here listening to the wind and watching the trees whipping about ,wishing my pup was old enough to be out on the lamp !

When I lose that feeling, I'll know it'll be time to hang up the lamp ! ?



Ended up going out charts with we smudge no the easist of ground but done good picked up a we injury but pleased with her IMG-20211026-WA0063.jpg.32e67e6a0b8a161ed3ea14886540ac41.jpg

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