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Locator not working

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What batteries are they? I always use silver oxide watch batteries  (if there cheaper ones it may be the problem )in all my collars both 393 for the older mk 3 and 394  for the magnetic collars  and never had a problem  use the decent batteries for the finder too the newer boxes will pick up electrical interference from all sorts in the house so try it outside ?

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  On 16/10/2021 at 08:25, Gilbey said:

Was just telling the OP how mine turn on. If I'm the one talking bollocks lol

If it is working, remember to do the same to turn it off ?


Not at all, sorry it read wrong, my comments were about the forum generally, particularly on lurchers. I thought this thread was unusually helpful.? Absolutely right to mention turning collar on, it's a shame these magnetic switches don't always go or off first time. If I didn't have more than one collar I'd often wonder if it's the collar or locator not functioning properly ?

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  On 16/10/2021 at 08:25, Gilbey said:

Was just telling the OP how mine turn on. If I'm the one talking bollocks lol

If it is working, remember to do the same to turn it off ?


Not at all, sorry if my post didn't read as intended, I thought this thread was very helpful and kind ?. My snidey comments were directed at the forum in general, particularly on lurchers ☹️.

Completely right to mention turning collar on and off. Sounds like he didn't get a separate magnet, I find the locator magnet at then end of the mk3 hit and miss in switching and if I didn't have a few collars I'd often be wondering if something was up relying on that. I put the Deben magnets on a neck lanyard so I don't lose them 

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Thanks so much everyone I managed to get one collar working, the other one never worked and I had the batteries head first because when they arrived the batteries were head first and it worked head first when I first got it but then it stopped working like that and when I was putting it on the magnet nothing was happening so I switched the batteries around thanks to that picture that was sent and I had no idea about the magnet so thanks everyone who mentioned that I hope it keeps working and I’ll see how it gets on 

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The first thing about this thread I like is how positive it's been every body trying to help. 

Lewis I it was my collar that was not working I would clean all connections the touch the battery then get put a fresh battery in get a powerful magnet and keep passing it over that none working collar. See if it's just the mag switch thats stuck .

Cheers Arry

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  On 18/10/2021 at 12:23, W. Katchum said:

Another thing I was thinking bout last night was a few years back I was brought a collar by a pal who said it was broken an asked me if I wanted it, I put new batteries in it, an it wouldn’t work. But for some reason if the 2 half’s were screwed together perfectly it wouldn’t work, but just unscrew then a millimetre or 2 or an it would work, so gave him it back in end an it worked since then 


I've had that lots of times with the Mk 1 collars  it was very easy to over tighten them causing them to stop working especially if they were a few years old .

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