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been thinking about a lighter fox gun! handled a few different ones I liked and it was a toss up between a fluted 22-250 or a t3x 243 but then ive been chewing over it and ive got a more than cap

I borrowed a pard add on thingy the other week. What a faff! Buttons everywhere. I needed a torch and magnifying glass just to work the piece of junk. When I did get back on the fox I couldn't be

Yeah....well I'm a picture of health & virility  ? you crumpled up old fart wrinkles 

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  On 13/10/2021 at 22:01, ianm said:

You can only shoot them once and when you have that's it.


Yeah, with all the buttons I think Bernard thought it was a video game and he was going to get an extra life. ?

That's probably why he didn't get along with it.

He was walking up to the gate and pressing the "jump" button and he wasn't jumping. 

He was pressing the sprint button and wasn't sprinting.

He was pressing the fire button and wasn't firing....

But the Aliens still came down and took the fox....or was that the car headlights and his eyesight...

(sorry Bernard, couldn't resist. In the same boat mate.)

  On 14/10/2021 at 07:12, si brown said:



I think that was the point. He still can. ?

Edited by Alsone
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  On 13/10/2021 at 20:09, FOXHUNTER said:

Find a fox I know what you mean , they are now extinct on my grounds due to thermal and nv use. I used to go out with a guy for about 5 years using this combination on my grounds and we were out every other night hammering foxes consequently I am now regretting it as after 2 years the population still hasn't recovered. I can safely say I will not be buying thermal or nv, they have had a devastating impact on foxes round me , they are now an endangered species ?


theres still a fair few knocking about round this way but I know what you mean!

the sheep farm on the moor near me only lost one lamb this year because I got on top of them,

getting a few a night isn't going to happen any more but it got me a free rein for the deer that are plentiful not that I shoot a lot of them. 

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  On 14/10/2021 at 09:59, FOXHUNTER said:

Yep but why even go out and find foxes if your not going to shoot them , you might as well stay in the house and watch Coronation street  ?? Also why spend a fortune on that gear only to not use it ? 


You might as well stay in the house and shoot your self instead of watching that depressing sh*t ?

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  On 14/10/2021 at 09:59, FOXHUNTER said:

Yep but why even go out and find foxes if your not going to shoot them , you might as well stay in the house and watch Coronation street  ?? Also why spend a fortune on that gear only to not use it ? 


Haha you've got my head in a spin mate! You complain you can't find any foxes, but then say you won't go thermal even though you think it helps find more foxes on a night!! 

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Your missing the point mate , it's not I cant find any foxes there arent any to find so thermal wont make any difference . I mentioned thermal and nv as we used to use it and it decimated the population so would rather not use it now so the fox population can hopefully recover. I was an avid fox shooter up until the last couple of years but enthusiasm has waned now due to the lack of foxes. Glad I never bought all that expensive gear now as it would be up for sale ? Thermal and nv do have their place dont get me wrong just not for me because as a fox shooter I want foxes on the ground instead of a fox desert. 

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  On 14/10/2021 at 11:32, FOXHUNTER said:

Your missing the point mate , it's not I cant find any foxes there arent any to find so thermal wont make any difference . I mentioned thermal and nv as we used to use it and it decimated the population so would rather not use it now so the fox population can hopefully recover. I was an avid fox shooter up until the last couple of years but enthusiasm has waned now due to the lack of foxes. Glad I never bought all that expensive gear now as it would be up for sale ? Thermal and nv do have their place dont get me wrong just not for me because as a fox shooter I want foxes on the ground instead of a fox desert. 


Well no need to worry about that. You haven't bought any because you are tighter than f*****g cramp! ?

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  On 14/10/2021 at 11:39, FOXHUNTER said:

Good times , no thermal or NV required ?



This is where your argument/opinion falls down. 

The problem isn't whether thermal/n/v is used, the problem is shooting five foxes in a night. 

Whatever method is used, shooting big numbers in areas where the vacant territories aren't repopulated quickly can only lead to one conclusion.

Foxes only have one litter a year and eventually the pressure of year round shooting will show in the lack of foxes.

Some places i go to seem to have a never ending supply, usually adjacent to a town or in the middle of several big villages. Other more rural places it would be easy to wipe them out.   

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  On 16/10/2021 at 11:53, ianm said:

This is where your argument/opinion falls down. 

The problem isn't whether thermal/n/v is used, the problem is shooting five foxes in a night. 

Whatever method is used, shooting big numbers in areas where the vacant territories aren't repopulated quickly can only lead to one conclusion.

Foxes only have one litter a year and eventually the pressure of year round shooting will show in the lack of foxes.

Some places i go to seem to have a never ending supply, usually adjacent to a town or in the middle of several big villages. Other more rural places it would be easy to wipe them out.   


Exactly what I meant mate

  On 14/10/2021 at 06:10, BenBhoy said:

Seeing them through thermal or NV doesn't kill them.... 



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