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No more ferreting with dogs

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1 hour ago, SheepChaser said:

Talking of your Mrs, you might want to ask her for a tampon. 

Not capable of rattling your cage ? ? Aye right ? 

Is that all you can aim at Your mugging ya self off choirboy  your showing everyone on here how low you can go with the wifey comments It might be something you do with ya mates all 8 of em lol but fill  ya boots. Your the easiest fish in the pond by far  best you stick to your story telling of Fox dogs  sure someone will believe ya  ?

Edited by green lurchers
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Probably can’t be assed no more to upload it’s a waist of time plus there’s loads of jealousy in this game every c**ts got somat to prove it’s not worth the bother best option is just keep your head d

I've always said best way is to just get on do what you do and tell no one nothing as when you start letting folk no what you up to or going out with others it's when  problems start , I go out on me

An innocent thread about ferreting, and look what's happened there be a layby ,some peteril and a grand involved at this rate 

24 minutes ago, green lurchers said:

Is that all you can aim at Your mugging ya self off choirboy  your showing everyone on here how low you can go with the wifey comments It might be something you do with ya mates all 8 of em lol but fill  ya boots. Your the easiest fish in the pond by far  best you stick to your story telling of Fox dogs  sure someone will believe ya  ?

What is your problem ? ? 

You decided to jump on here and have a dig at me and you didn’t like the response ......... then when you threw your toys out and got nasty...... you didn’t like that I laughed at you ? 

Now you’re telling me I’ve no friends ? and I lie about my ‘fox dogs’ ...... 

What lies about fox dogs would these be ? Or just like usual no real answer of substance just a load of crap.

You’re making yourself seem like a bit of a f*nny. Slinging mud with no substance to it and getting all worked up when it doesn’t go your way ? 

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51 minutes ago, SheepChaser said:

What is your problem ? ? 

You decided to jump on here and have a dig at me and you didn’t like the response ......... then when you threw your toys out and got nasty...... you didn’t like that I laughed at you ? 

Now you’re telling me I’ve no friends ? and I lie about my ‘fox dogs’ ...... 

What lies about fox dogs would these be ? Or just like usual no real answer of substance just a load of crap.

You’re making yourself seem like a bit of a f*nny. Slinging mud with no substance to it and getting all worked up when it doesn’t go your way ? 

Wrap it up how ya like , think only you baffling ya self with ya bullshit ya dicksplash choirboy  now your boring me to death and everyone else  now spout some more tangled shit I’m back on the cooking thread with the real men ? if your response is to bring wifeys into it  your the best boy in the girls school  incase you overlooked anything I don’t stoop to your level ! 

Edited by green lurchers
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1 minute ago, green lurchers said:

Wrap it up how ya like , think only you baffling ya self with ya bullshit ya dicksplash choirboy  

? you’re getting worse ? 

Spitting feathers like an old woman, and nothing of any real substance to say. 

You can throw as many insults as you like but with no substance behind them you just make you’re self seem like a bit of a sad case who spat the dummy, looks daft and is now trying to tough it out by being aggressive. ? 

Min ago you were calling me a liar, about my ‘fox dogs’, whatever that’s about .... happy to give out the insults but when asked what I’ve lied about, you’re straight back in with the school yard aggressive ? Grow up. ? 

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15 minutes ago, green lurchers said:

Wrap it up how ya like , think only you baffling ya self with ya bullshit ya dicksplash choirboy  now your boring me to death and everyone else  now spout some more tangled shit I’m back on the cooking thread with the real men ? if your response is to bring wifeys into it  your the best boy in the girls school  incase you overlooked anything I don’t stoop to your level ! 

You had to go away and think of that and come back and edit it in. What a hero ? and still f*ck all of any substance to say and nothing to back up your claims and insults. ? And the sense of humour of a roofing slate ? 

Dont stoop to my level ? pages of lame insults kind of beg to differ ? Least mine was funny ? 

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2 minutes ago, SheepChaser said:

You had to go away and think of that and come back and edit it in. What a hero ? and still f*ck all of any substance to say and nothing to back up your claims and insults. ? And the sense of humour of a roofing slate ? 

Dont stoop to my level ? pages of lame insults kind of beg to differ ? Least mine was funny ? 

Ay there's alot 2 be said for a slate u pig

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