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Work place natural selection

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Well my company have just started a young lad 19 yrs old to labour on me..got to be honest he's a good kid,put most men I've worked with to shame,proper little grafter...he deserves more than what the

First lesson I used to say to lads, never assume, make sure. I personally have always hated all that “f**k about with the new lad” mentality……I got a bit of it when I was young and I always thoug

I've been a grafter since my days in the womb, I expect every man and his dog to put 100% effort when they work in my team.  Go hard or go home!   

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  On 07/10/2021 at 13:13, micky said:

I am on a Bricklaying forum and there are 100s of jobs going for Hod carriers , the money offered is usually  £160+ a day and there are no takers as people want them to work 5 days a Week and they say it will give you a chance to learn the Game but nobody wants it  ??????


Same here with day labor

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  On 07/10/2021 at 16:06, Qbgrey said:

I had a 18 year old lad ,a fuking arthritic tortoise moved quicker, could only carry half a bucket up the ladder and we had to take it off him as he could,nt get off the ladder on to scaff.walking round at snails pace in a day dream. I told him I’m going get me Nan in she,d be faster and she’s on the mantelpiece.?


They've took some young lads on at our place instead of the usual foreign agency staff when we're busy in the winter and I'm dreading which one of the snails I get lumbered with. None of the soft twats can keep up with me even walking and I'm a fat old fecker compared to them.

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Fresh College graduates are the worst in my profession,  they come in thinking they are Chippendale or something,  I had one lad  and it took him  half a day  to glue two bits of wood together  he had  lines and arrows drawn all over the place on these two bits of wood ? when  the reality of manufacturing for profit  sets in most jack.

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  On 08/10/2021 at 06:10, Welsh_red said:

I work for myself as a builder and it turns out labourers across the country are earning more money than me . I need to up my prices , had a young lad working for me and paid him 60 a day and even then i thought i paid him to much


Fcuk me I bet moths fly out of your wallet when you open it. 

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think thats a bit tight myself but having saw the standard of the young laddies just out of school id have to agree with you mate 60 quid a day for 99% of them is to much we had one school leaver in 19 year stick it hes now out in the states working as a stonemason

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I can remember when I first started on the railway at 18.

Half a mile up the track and the foreman says to me get us some oil for the rail saw, walks down to the van, opens the back doors, it's taking me forever to rummage through the gear, bingo, there it is. 

Walks back up the track, here you go boss, he takes one look and starts pissing himself. I'd only gone and fetched the van engine oil. 

Never used petrol tools before, how was I supposed to know. ?

Edited by Greb147
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While undoubtedly there’s a good few non starters amongst workers, in my experience there’s also a good few non starters amongst management too.

Managing people is all about making them believe they can do things they didn’t think they could do, creating that mindset and then you get not only to enjoy watching their self esteem grow but also a decent lad who knows the standard required.

People who just can’t meet your own standards in whatever job you do and who obviously never will should be let go quickly before they spoil the apple barrel, they will eventually drift into something where the detritus washes up like picture framing or being a traffic cozzer ! Lol ? 

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  On 08/10/2021 at 07:00, Greb147 said:

I can remember when I first started on the railway at 18.

Half a mile up the track and the foreman says to me get us some oil for the rail saw, walks down to the van, opens the back doors, it's taking me forever to rummage through the gear, bingo, there it is. 

Walks back up the track, here you go boss, he takes one look and starts pissing himself. I'd only gone and fetched the van engine oil. 

Never used petrol tools before, how was I supposed to know. ?


He was supposed to show you mate, that’s what a manager is meant to do ?

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