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  On 02/10/2021 at 12:49, Greb147 said:

Is that true? The last survey done in 2015 showed that those in favour of capital punishment were in the minority. 



  On 02/10/2021 at 13:00, baker boy said:

Surveys are easily skewed for a desired result, they know who to ask, how to put the question etc



  On 02/10/2021 at 13:02, twobob said:

Like all them surveys that said we would remain in the eu look how that turned out

Who's this we you keep referring to don't think many if any had a say on here to abolish it


Surveys usually come out in favour of those that pay for them to be carried out ??

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  On 02/10/2021 at 13:08, Greyman said:



Surveys usually come out in favour of those that pay for them to be carried out ??


Ok so I'll ask again, where is anyone's evidence that the public would vote for capital punishment? 

And as for the survey, it was the first time in it's history that the public voted against capital punishment. 

So all those years of favouring said punishment should be ignored? 

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  On 02/10/2021 at 11:52, WILF said:

We also have to remember that the vast majority of people who talk about inflicting violence have never seen the mangled wreckage of a human body as a result of the most extreme and ultimately terminal violence.

They just have no concept of the horror of it when they talk about it.

A few lads here do, but I’m guessing most don’t……it slips from the lips (or fingertips) very easily when you don’t know the reality.


I think that a lot of normal folk would be happy for capital punishment to be applied in the most heinous cases - no one wants to stand and watch it but, they'd be happy to hear that it's been carried out quickly and quietly behind closed doors.

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  On 02/10/2021 at 13:11, Greb147 said:

Ok so I'll ask again, where is anyone's evidence that the public would vote for capital punishment? 

And as for the survey, it was the first time in it's history that the public voted against capital punishment. 

So all those years of favouring said punishment should be ignored? 


Have we had a vote in the last 50 year to bring it back

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  On 02/10/2021 at 09:34, Greb147 said:

I'm just pointing out that our goalposts, yours and mine included move all over the pitch as and when it suits. 

I don't see what WILF moving as anything to do with this, your good mate was agreeing with me on this matter yesterday. 

So in your view adultery shouldn't be a crime because you can't control and regulate people's thoughts and desires? 

Where does this end then? 

Maybe next theft shouldn't be a crime because we can't stop the thief from wanting to steal someone's bike. 

Yes it's true, people can't control feelings and desires but they can certainly control their actions! 


That would be a lovely loophole for rape, murder and pedos. 

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  On 02/10/2021 at 13:30, South hams hunter said:

That would be a lovely loophole for rape, murder and pedos. 


It's a loophole for adultery mate and that's exactly my point. 

Nobody can control their feelings but they can sure as damn control their actions. 

Opening your legs to another whilst under the vows of marriage certainly isn't controlling one's actions. ?

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  On 02/10/2021 at 13:34, Greb147 said:

It's a loophole for adultery mate and that's exactly my point. 

Nobody can control their feelings but they can sure as damn control their actions. 

Opening your legs to another whilst under the vows of marriage certainly isn't controlling one's actions. ?


Yeah but not controlling feelings as a legal argument soon allows nonces and murders a free ride. 

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  On 02/10/2021 at 13:37, South hams hunter said:

Yeah but not controlling feelings as a legal argument soon allows nonces and murders a free ride. 


That's my point, that can't be brought up as a good argument to excuse adultery IMO. 

And to folk that says adultery is not now illegal, well it was and it is in some other countries. 



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I think capital Punishment should come back. Technology has moved forward. Why should they be kept alive many would choose death, they're not going to give anything to society. When Gorbachev abolished the death penalty mass suicides went on throughout the prisons. Some of the filth that populates our mental health institutions , prisons and other holding cells. Prison was never designed to be a punishment. I'm not saying hang em all but the most depraved should be gotten rid of. I don't trust the police or government with my life though and would want rock solid evidence. Etc. My father once said they'll never hold a referendum on it as it'll go through. I think there's a case for it. Reduce population, save the environment, my taxes go on school dinners less prison meals. While I'm moaning, school meals are pathetic , my kids are absolutely starving when they finish. 

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  On 02/10/2021 at 13:38, Greb147 said:

Not very moral though is it? 


Doesn't matter. If your significant other stepping out on you is cause for concern then should they be your significant other? If they're happy with that decision and you're not then you're free to null whatever contract is on the table.

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