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do not panic there is no fuel left ffs

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What part of 20+ million too many people does nobody understand ! 

Trying to be all complicated and clever, there’s just too many people who have no business being there…..that country should have about 45 million people max ! 
There’s probably 75 !! 

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Social media driven and attracted the same toilet roll bread hoarders who don’t work  while all the nurses doctors home help carers and other services get fkd over by the Twitter wankers 


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3 hours ago, Borr said:

Obviously there's going to be a handover period of some difficult times when we've been so reliant on foreign labour and skills, should be plenty of good opportunities for Brits wanting to step up, hopefully they roll out a big apprenticeship program and some training grants, even if they allocated these temp visas , it doesn't mean there's going to be tanker drivers available that want a short term roll in a foreign country....

UK have a fertility rate of 1,59 child per woman so you will need a stream of immigrants (and so will most of europe).

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1 hour ago, W. Katchum said:

I’m not sure if it applies to all poles, all Johnny foreigners or if it even true. 

tho a lot of poles are going back to Poland now, after being here years, one the lads I work with loves it here, an is honestly the type a polish lad you wouldn’t mind stayin, he has tried an has integrated well, an is just a real decent sort of human. When he told me he was going back an I asked why, cos o know he loves it here. He said that due to some new law, not only does he have to pay tax here off his wages like we al do, but now he also has to pay tax in Poland aswell an it’s no longer worth his while to stay here.  Don’t know al the ins an out but the lad is still here an wouldn’t mind telling me the details of I asked. 

don’t know about the rest of the country but I know the farmers in the yorskshire dales will seriously struggle without these foreigners


and had anybody saw the new jobs all over Facebook. 64k a year for cabbage picking, that’s them trying to entice new foreigners in, fcuk I’m born an bred here an don’t even earn that ?☹️☹️

Yanks have a very similar system mate. When I was working in investments, dealing with that legal shit was a nightmare. If I'm not mistaken though, it's down to the country not the EUSSR.

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2 hours ago, W. Katchum said:

I’m not sure if it applies to all poles, all Johnny foreigners or if it even true. 

tho a lot of poles are going back to Poland now, after being here years, one the lads I work with loves it here, an is honestly the type a polish lad you wouldn’t mind stayin, he has tried an has integrated well, an is just a real decent sort of human. When he told me he was going back an I asked why, cos o know he loves it here. He said that due to some new law, not only does he have to pay tax here off his wages like we al do, but now he also has to pay tax in Poland aswell an it’s no longer worth his while to stay here.  Don’t know al the ins an out but the lad is still here an wouldn’t mind telling me the details of I asked. 

don’t know about the rest of the country but I know the farmers in the yorskshire dales will seriously struggle without these foreigners


and had anybody saw the new jobs all over Facebook. 64k a year for cabbage picking, that’s them trying to entice new foreigners in, fcuk I’m born an bred here an don’t even earn that ?☹️☹️

Its the IR35 changes

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 This truck driver is spot on........

So, you are running out of food on the shelves, fuel in the garages, you can’t buy things you need, because the shops can’t get their supplies.
Why is that?  
A shortage of goods?  No
A shortage of money?  No
A shortage of drivers to deliver the goods?  Well, sort of.
There isn’t actually a shortage of drivers, what we have, is a shortage of people who can drive, that are willing to drive any more.  You might wonder why that is.  I can’t answer for all drivers, but I can give you the reason I no longer drive.  Driving was something I always yearned to do as a young boy, and as soon as I could, I managed to get my driving licence, I even joined the army to get my HGV licence faster, I held my licence at the age of 17.  It was all I ever wanted to do, drive trucks, I had that vision of being a knight of the roads, bringing the goods to everyone, providing a service everyone needed.  What I didn’t take into account was the absolute abuse my profession would get over the years.
I have seen a massive decline in the respect this trade has, first, it was the erosion of truck parking and transport café’s, then it was the massive increase in restricting where I could stop, timed weight limits in just about every city and town, but not all the time, you can get there to do your delivery, but you can’t stay there, nobody wants an empty truck, nobody wants you there once they have what they did want.
Compare France to the UK.  I can park in nearly every town or village, they have marked truck parking bays, and somewhere nearby, will be a small routier, where I can get a meal and a shower, the locals respect me, and have no problems with me or my truck being there for the night.
Go out onto the motorway services, and I can park for no cost, go into the service area, and get a shower for a minimal cost, and have freshly cooked food, I even get to jump the queues, because others know that my time is limited, and respect I am there because it is my job.  Add to that, I even get a 20% discount of all I purchase.  Compare that to the UK £25-£40 just to park overnight, dirty showers, and expensive, dried (under heat lamps) food that is overpriced, and I have no choice but to park there, because you don’t want me in your towns and cities.
Ask yourself how you would feel, if doing your job actually cost you money at the end of the day, just so you could rest.
But that isn’t the half of it.  Not only have we been rejected from our towns and cities, but we have also suffered massive pay cuts, because of the influx of foreign drivers willing to work for a wage that is high where they come from, companies eagerly recruited from the eastern bloc, who can blame them, why pay good money when you can get cheap labour, and a never ending supply of it as well.  Never mind that their own countries would suffer from a shortage themselves, that was never our problem, they could always get people from further afield if they needed drivers.
We were once seen as knights of the road, now we are seen as the lepers of society.  Why would anyone want to go back to that?
If you are worried about not getting supplies on your supermarket shelves, ask your local council just how well they cater for trucks in your district.
I know Canterbury has the grand total of zero truck parking facilities, but does have a lot of restrictions, making it difficult for trucks to stop anywhere.
Do you want me to go back to driving trucks?  Give me a good reason to do so.  Give anyone a good reason to take it up as a profession.
Perhaps once you work out why you can’t, you will understand why your shelves are not as full as they could be.
I tried it for over 30 years, but will never go back, you just couldn't pay me enough.

Thank you to all those people who have shared this post.  I never expected such a massive response, but am glad that this message is getting out there.  I really hope that some people who are in a position to change just how bad it is for some drivers, can influence the powers that be to make changes for the better.  Perhaps some city and town councillors have seen this, and are willing to bring up these issues at their council meetings.  It surely cannot be too much to ask of a town/city to provide facilities for those who are doing so much to make sure their economies run and their shops and businesses are stocked with supplies.  I never wanted any luxuries, just somewhere safe to park, and some basic ablutions that are maintained to a reasonable standard.  I spent my nights away from my home and family for you, how much is it to ask that you at least give me access to some basic services.
There are tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of licence holders just like me, who will no longer tolerate the conditions.  So the ball is firmly in the court of the councils to solve this problem.


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