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M25 Protests.

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8 minutes ago, WILF said:

I understand your point perfectly mate but imho you either support the right to protest or you don’t…….you can’t go to all the weddings and none of the funerals mate ?

Of course I support the right to protest, but protest the people who you think are doing you harm ! 

Protest outside parliament or the MP's homes, stop THEM from going about their business, not ordinary people, who, quite likely, have the same complaints as you !

The people blocking the M25 are turning people against them, people who otherwise may have some sympathy with their cause.

SHH, as for "peaceful protest", tell that to the people in the multi vehicle pile up, especially the woman who was simply going about her lawful business, and ends up being airlifted to hospital with serious injuries because of the unlawful acts of the idiots blocking the motorway.



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1 hour ago, Lenmcharristar said:

Get out and boot the shite clean outa them, they wont be long in moving aside

Some lads did Len.... apparently the filth set about them, holding them back.

Seem to remember some morons tried the same here in Spain, a few years ago and got red stained by HGVs travelling at 80mph ?

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Just the other side of that bridge they are going to bulldoze a dirty great motorway through thousands of acres of already heavily under threat green belt, it’s going to destroy homes and business of people I know personally, it’s going to obliterate fields I spent years messing about in, it’s going to lower the air quality of what is already the most polluted borough in the country

People are trying to fight it using the “correct” channels and by attending all the bullshit consultations but everyone with half a brain knows it’s just for show.

When the time comes, who is going to “sit down” and protest for those people ?……..will they even do it for themselves ?

Who supports you when they come for “your” thing ?…….or will you just be some c**t that made folks late for the office and who deserves a kick up the chops ?

They didn’t cause the accident, people driving like pricks caused the accident.

Thats my take on it anyway lads.


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See this is where they score own goals, the right to protest should be protected, but when it gets abused like vegans and poofs harrassing normal every day people eating out, feminazis protesting about girls rights but turn blind deaf n dumb at the paki grooming gangs, and child molestations at the bbc, the same protestors turn up and just wreck and destroy every time then they are no longer protestors and become lazy scumbag junkies. 

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Some of the protestors on the Thurrock side the other day looked to be in their 30s and 40s, in fact about half of them looked like that.

They looked like perfectly normal, every day people.

Its not all white prats with dreads, it’s school teachers and housewives and other folks who just have a concern.

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6 minutes ago, tatsblisters said:

Wish the public would have protested at the rise of the pension age like they did in France maybe its because we don't protest enough that the establishment continues to take the piss out of us on a daily basis.

Mate hindsight is a great thing and I used to be one of these “load of c**ts” type people before they rocked up and destroyed my community !

Looking back, we should have supported you and not allowed them to destroy those communities and our own peoples lives and futures…..the shit state of the gaff today is a direct result of our apathy as people.

Im as guilty as the next bloke and it’s an epidemic.

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I'm all for protest, but we should look at WHAT the protest is about, and HOW the protest is being carried out, and WHO the protest affects.

The M25 protests are about people insulating their homes !

Now, I'm willing to bet the vast majority of the people being denied their right to travel HAVE insulated homes ! All new builds are well insulated and I'd guess most homes built in the last 40 years have cavity wall and loft insulation, I know mine has.

There are government schemes to help pay to have older, less efficient homes insulated, I'm allways getting emails or people knocking on the door offering it even though I don't need it.

Its free in certain financial situations, so it's not like the government is ignoring it.

How the protest is carried out is, in my mind, stupidly dangerous; the M 25 is probably the busiest road in Britain, and to sit in the middle of it at rush hour is insane, and, again, in my mind, certainly contributed to the pile up. Yes, there are allways accidents caused by bad drivers, but when drivers are confronted by groups of idiots stopping the free flow of traffic, it has to be at the very least a contributing factor to accidents.

Now to who it affects; it doesn't affect the people these protesters want to affect, the politicians, it affects everyday, normal working people, who probably agree in principal with the protesters, or have already insulated their homes to the best of their ability.

As I've said, I'm all for protest, but how would you and I feel if one of your loved ones suffered or, god forbid, died, because they couldn't get to hospital because the road was blocked by people breaking the law because they want you to insulate your already insulated home ?

We all have an opinion about this, and I respect all those opinions......these are simply mine.?


Edited by chartpolski
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I've been thinking about this, and think I've come up with a solution.

Instead of these lunatics punishing innocent people going about their lawful business, how about they find the home addresses of the government ministers they want to influence, and chain themselves to THEIR front and back doors, and gates ? How about super gluing themselves to the bonnet of the ministerial Range Rovers that pick them up in the morning ?

It would mean instead of people being pissed off stuck on the M25 and hating the protesters, they may actually find they get some public support ?

Imagine the publicity they would get , watching Ministers of State climbing out of the window and over the garden wall on 24 hour rolling news ?

But then again, I don't think the police would be so slow or considerate in this scenario.........


Edited by chartpolski
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