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M25 Protests.

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28 minutes ago, WILF said:

“Us & Them” imho mate.

I don’t think your analogy quiet stands up there pal, you can hardly compare your fellow British citizens standing up for themselves to bumming young boys……can you ? Lol 

Just my opinion but much of what you lads have said was the exact same reaction from around 500 people on my old local towns page.

I get it, I really do, spent most of my life being the horrible f***ing nuisance nobody agrees with…..our sense of self preservation has been reduced to wether we are late for work ! 

I mean wether you agree or not, it’s a pretty harmless thing they are protesting about……noble almost.

This is why the gaff is in rag order………..it’s just much too inconvenient to do anything about anything.

Wilfy ,your analogy equated protesters potentially putting lives at risk , to government potentially removing unsafe and dangerous vehicles off the road ,ergo potentially saving lives ,...the exact opposite .

Using " late for work " and " inconvenient " to describe the disruption caused by the protesters is disingenuous imo ,

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When I was taking my two kids for their daily chemotherapy, if those c**ts had blocked my way on the pretence my house needed insulating, I would have,without doubt or hesitation drove over or through them !

To some it may just be an inconvenience, to others, it may be life or death.



Edited by chartpolski
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Just now, chartpolski said:

When I was taking my two kids for their daily chemotherapy, if those c**ts had blocked my way on the pretence my house needed insulating, I would, without doubt or hesitation dove over or through them !

To some it may just be an inconvenience, to others, it may be life or death.



My post went up at the same time as yours Charts, believe me it was not after this post..



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I’m not trying to convince you lads, I just find the conversation interesting.

Its an attitude that is all pervading in Britain……can you remember at the time of the hunting ban when none of the fisherman gave a shit ?

I can.

Many I spoke to said “good, load of bloodthirsty cretins all charging about killing thing”

Who will stand for them when they come for fishing ?…….I wonder ? 

Nah, little bit of inconvenience and we don’t give a f**k about anything, not my problem, don’t like that, nothing to do with me, f**k em all off……..

As I say, I just find it interesting…..human nature is always amazing.

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15 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

When I was taking my two kids for their daily chemotherapy, if those c**ts had blocked my way on the pretence my house needed insulating, I would have,without doubt or hesitation drove over or through them !

To some it may just be an inconvenience, to others, it may be life or death.



With the greatest of respect mate and I genuinely mean that because you mention a very personal and sensitive subject there…..but, if we are doing “IF’s” then what “IF” some poor little f****r don’t eat this winter because his single mum can’t afford the increased electric or gas bill because their council house isn’t insulated ? 

“IF” is a fantastic word that will get you out of jail on most things.

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So ignoring Stan for a minute, and sticking my conk in again...lol

I'd say this forum in thd main and particularly the General Talk section, is in the main slightly right of centre to full on right wing...?...

So change the tree hugging, lefties lunatics causing this upheaval and replace with a bunch of run of the mill average Joes, job, 2.4 kids, mortgage etc... protesting for changes in their community or reduced immigration or the repeal of the hunting act... same protest but "our" people would we want to blast them off the road or run then over??


I mean the cause aint that bad is it???

Its just the people right?

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5 minutes ago, Borr said:

Power to the people although causing disruption to working people on their way home isn't good go scupper parliament and the folks who decide all these things....guy Fawkes didn't mess about.

Tough trip home Joseph??

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10 minutes ago, WILF said:

With the greatest of respect mate and I genuinely mean that because you mention a very personal and sensitive subject there…..but, if we are doing “IF’s” then what “IF” some poor little f****r don’t eat this winter because his single mum can’t afford the increased electric or gas bill because their council house isn’t insulated ? 

“IF” is a fantastic word that will get you out of jail on most things.


I've allready said I believe in protest, and have some sympathy with their cause.

What I disagree with is them targeting the wrong people.

Again, as I've already said, why don't they target the people they are pissed off at, the politicians ? 

Chain themselves to the gates of #10, glue themselves to the ministerial cars.

But I feel I'm wasting my time here, you have your opinion, I have mine.


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1 minute ago, chartpolski said:


I've allready said I believe in protest, and have some sympathy with their cause.

What I disagree with is them targeting the wrong people.

Again, as I've already said, why don't they target the people they are pissed off at, the politicians ? 

Chain themselves to the gates of #10, glue themselves to the ministerial cars.

But I feel I'm wasting my time here, you have your opinion, I have mine.


I agree with that mate... but this is making a show and a point without being in severe risk of reprimand... you go chucking yourself at MPs or chaining yourself to no10, they'd chuck the book at you...

Its quite cowardly really with that in mind... but they are still making there point..

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