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On 11/05/2022 at 20:40, Franks dad said:

A pic from last yr , Is this the same as above ? 


Yes I would say that is Dryads Saddle or common name pheasants wing can get quite big. Check with that link please.

Cheers Arry

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Out for another foraging mooch this morning. Was about two miles from the car and it pissed down and that f***ing Jack Pike jacket useless piece of shit let the rain through like a cheese cloth shirt

Out for a fungi mooch today. Well loads of fungi about today not for taking some deadly ones. The Brown Rimroll mushroom and the Panther cap. Then The Cloudy Funnel classed as poisonou

Out today was hoping for some Ceps but no luck on that front. Seen this coming up in the Grass another I had to look up "Fairy Fingers" I did get a feed though some Horse Mushrooms and

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Out for a quick mooch to see if I could find a Chicken of the Woods as SHH would one this week none on the trees I know.

Came across this though didn't recognise it " Shaggy Scalycap" unfortunately not edible  had to look it up to check. Seek App did identify it but would not trust that with my life.

Growing at the bass of an Ash tree.


Cheers Arry

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On 03/09/2022 at 12:48, Greyman said:

help please, saw these on my walk this morning but wanted to run it past the experts before I chop some off ???




The largest capped mushroom in the UK starting early in the year and sometimes lasting until the end of Summer.  

Cheers Arry

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3 hours ago, Daniel cain said:

these edible???DSC_3232.JPG.1a87f513ba12ca87d3ddf534ef38f2f8.JPGDSC_3233.JPG.2dc19bbbb905adab67b42b7ebfd3424f.JPG

I’ve had a look and my moneys is on these there called the deceiver common and edible but get a second opinion from Arry here’s a link see what you think.



Called the Deceiver as it looks like many other small fungi and can be various hues and colours.


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16 hours ago, FLATTOP said:

I’ve had a look and my moneys is on these there called the deceiver common and edible but get a second opinion from Arry here’s a link see what you think.



Called the Deceiver as it looks like many other small fungi and can be various hues and colours.


Reckon you're right mate but its not one I collect yet. As I've said before I am no expert I stick to one I know.

Think you're on the money mate.

Good site that link with good ID vids.

Cheers Arry

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4 hours ago, Arry said:

Reckon you're right mate but its not one I collect yet. As I've said before I am no expert I stick to one I know.

Think you're on the money mate.

Good site that link with good ID vids.

Cheers Arry

It’s a very good site I’ve been referencing it a few years now I remember when you first put it up, but your right if you not sure about any leave them alone although it doesn’t look a bad one to identify, if DC don’t peg it eating them we know there ok ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry mate I only just seen this.

Right the top picture looks like a good "Field Mushroom" cant be sure about the others  from photos mate. 

The dumpy one on the right looks like a nice Cep/Penny bun. Thats a good one to learn and easy one to learn.

All the others I cant tell mate.

The last is a "Parasol" 

Should not put mushrooms/fungi edible and poisonous or unknown in same basket always keep separate for ID.

Please check this site out. 


Edible and poisonous wild mushroom identification guide. When to pick, what to look for. Photos, video, safety tips for each mushroom.

Cheers Arry

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Based on personal experience but hard to say for sure I'd go with ;

Red - parasol

Blue - field/horse


Red - certain that's honey fungus (edible but can cause issues to some) I recently found out that will only grow from dead stuff so if it appears on a lawn there is probably a dead root or something underneath.

Green - cep/penny bun

Purple - a waxcap but not 100% on type 




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Theres some cracking Horse Mushrooms about at the moment, if any body is interested.

the one in my hand in 8 inches the other to about 6 inches across.




A great mushroom with a rich, strong taste and as it can grow so large and in rings, usually provides quite a feast.

Cheers Arry

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Also some good Parasols about this one 8 inches across.

Take them if over 6 inches across is safest. I like them sort of nutty taste but they don't keep long.



Should have a snake skin appearance to the stem and you can move the skirt ring up and down.




A great tasting, easy to identify mushroom that is large enough to spot from afar.

Cheers Arry

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