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Veiw from your office

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Leaving home for the office View from the office. Closer view from the office.....they are farmed deer.... The office. Planting new trees and re-establishing old lines

Beautiful day this morning. Cheers Arry

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Jesus, I need to get away from this job, turned up this morning and was greeted by a smackhead telling me how some other smackhead had set fire to herself in the upstairs room and could I lend him 10 quid until he can go in her flat to get his stuff, because his money and his pregab’s are in there, oh dear, go away you mess


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40 minutes ago, Stavross said:

Jesus, I need to get away from this job, turned up this morning and was greeted by a smackhead telling me how some other smackhead had set fire to herself in the upstairs room and could I lend him 10 quid until he can go in her flat to get his stuff, because his money and his pregab’s are in there, oh dear, go away you mess


I had one like that in Southampton tower blocks, had to be escorted through one part as African lady threw flower pots at people from second floor , replaced wooden gates with jail bars and a guy said great they can throw petrol bombs in there now lol . Shite hole.

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It's as big as my squirrel that is G man

3 hours ago, Greyman said:

Just working through my to do list in the home and changing plugholes the last two days, you get to find some gruesome stuff from toys to turds in them but this is my P,B fur ball to date lol







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Had the lad with me again today and my god I’ve worked him, so all the type one is in, drainage in, so just the insulation ( 150mm now, new reg’s, more money) and DPM to go in then 100mm of concrete to go in on Thursday, so he’ll be back on the barrow 



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1 hour ago, Stavross said:

Had the lad with me again today and my god I’ve worked him, so all the type one is in, drainage in, so just the insulation ( 150mm now, new reg’s, more money) and DPM to go in then 100mm of concrete to go in on Thursday, so he’ll be back on the barrow 



Who sneaked wolfdog into the country

Edited by Bakerboy
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