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Veiw from your office

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Leaving home for the office View from the office. Closer view from the office.....they are farmed deer.... The office. Planting new trees and re-establishing old lines

Beautiful day this morning. Cheers Arry

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13 hours ago, lurcherman 887 said:


May be one of the Milkcaps but there are quite a few mate. If your passing that way turn one over and scratch the gills and if milky white liquid like latex comes out of the damage then it's a milkcap. There are loads and loads of brown mushrooms/toadstools and I don't pick hardly any of them other than the Winter Chanterelle. Sorry not much help.

Cheers Arry 

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26 minutes ago, lurcherman 887 said:

Jrc contact big deep pocket and nice high handles had the porter and the nash trax.. this one’s much better 

 Carp catchers should be shot… it’s the lazy man’s spot!

I’ve fished since god was a boy but barrows to cart your shit about is madness.. the day I catch a fish with a name is the day I’ll throw me gear in the bin. 
lot of my mates  are bivy boys but they all Smoke weed n get pissed, don’t even think they like there wives so that’s why they do it?

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On 17/09/2022 at 12:38, Stavross said:

We started doing them about 10 years ago, the first one we did was for an ex footballer Gordon McQueen and that still looks like new, it just needs jet washing once a year, when it goes off it’s really hard, but there’s no strength to it if that makes sense, it will snap like a biscuit if you get under it, a lot depends on what you lay it on, don’t put it down on anything other than concrete ?

A drive way just been done next to a job i'm at,was laid on whackered type 1 and sits right,feels solid and hasn't moved in the month it's been down,local fella as well so not a cowboy see you later job..One thing they said was never try to lay it in the wet as it goes milky, smart job that Stavross..

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