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Moorman 1

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22 hours ago, Moorman 1 said:

Yes the squirrel flights can be very spectacular at times as they are three dimensional. You sound like a hard man to please. I think rabbit flights can be very sporting if set up correctly, as for hares I think they are a very big ask even eagles struggle to subdue them when captured. Especially if you consider the average weight of a hare compared to a hawk.

He weighs approx 1lb 11oz

Its great sport for the hawk on the back of a hare when its riding it ? ?. You have to have a brave hawk an a clever hawk that just goes straight for the head but that will come in time. More kills for the bird better confidence build up. Years ago I had a female Harris that could smash hares up she was some bird 3lb 2oz 

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Out for first manning session, getting him used to his surroundings and the dog running around.   

Started the ball rolling.  First kill in the bag, off a nice point.  

A few more 

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On 28/01/2023 at 06:52, Moorman 1 said:

Thanks very much. It's much like bring on a pup and watching it develop and learning its trade. Thats where the satisfaction lies for me!

It's  a great series of posts. 

My brother was keen on falconry for many years  . He said that of the birds he had his Harris was the only bird that he felt was a friend .

I don't know if that makes sense.


Anyway , please keep up the progress. diary ?

Edited by comanche
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1 hour ago, Bangersanmash said:

Its great sport for the hawk on the back of a hare when its riding it ? ?. You have to have a brave hawk an a clever hawk that just goes straight for the head but that will come in time. More kills for the bird better confidence build up. Years ago I had a female Harris that could smash hares up she was some bird 3lb 2oz 

I have never heard of a Harris that big we had birds direct from the superior imports and they would take hare at 2lb 10oz and they were a decent size. That's some bird!

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9 hours ago, Moorman 1 said:

I have never heard of a Harris that big we had birds direct from the superior imports and they would take hare at 2lb 10oz and they were a decent size. That's some bird!

A friend of mine bred them big birds the males were good sizes too. It all depends on the grub for giving the females when feeding the young too. Some out there just give little grub just to get the birds to age and sell on mate then some breed for there selfs like in dog world. See what's what feed them the best then let go what there not keeping back. But you'll see many forsale nowa days. Same with dog game anybody's buying them. Then your seeing some forsale that have been ruined mate it's sad. Lads get them thinking it's going to be a walk in the park. Lol it's not easy it takes time as you'll know 

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3 hours ago, Bangersanmash said:

A friend of mine bred them big birds the males were good sizes too. It all depends on the grub for giving the females when feeding the young too. Some out there just give little grub just to get the birds to age and sell on mate then some breed for there selfs like in dog world. See what's what feed them the best then let go what there not keeping back. But you'll see many forsale nowa days. Same with dog game anybody's buying them. Then your seeing some forsale that have been ruined mate it's sad. Lads get them thinking it's going to be a walk in the park. Lol it's not easy it takes time as you'll know 

You only get out what you put in, that's true!

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8 hours ago, Moorman 1 said:

Out for a quick one today. #28




Nice kill but lucky there's no injuries with that loose sheep wire on that fence post. That could of been a trip to an avian vet mate. Needs moving that if you hunt that area often ? ? Well done though ? 

Edited by Bangersanmash
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11 hours ago, Bangersanmash said:

Nice kill but lucky there's no injuries with that loose sheep wire on that fence post. That could of been a trip to an avian vet mate. Needs moving that if you hunt that area often ? ? Well done though ? 

There are hazards everywhere to be honest, he hit a fence flat out last week stopped him instantly. Fly a hawk is full of hazards, electricity poles, fences etc. I'm afraid it's one of them if it happens it happens.

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On 29/01/2023 at 07:44, Moorman 1 said:

You sound like a hard man to please. I think rabbit flights can be very sporting if set up correctly, as for hares I think they are a very big ask even eagles struggle to subdue them when captured. Especially if you consider the average weight of a hare compared to a hawk.

I've seen Goshawks nail rabbits one after another and if the rabbit make 50m, it did well. With Hares as you said, the main feat is hanging on to them. That is unless the Hare has been flown before and it knows what is coming. then they're hard to catch.

As a dog man, I cringe a how easy a Hawk makes a capture. As skilful and elegant it is, I call it mugging ?.

"A waste of a good Hare" , I heard it described as.

I still enjoy a few hours out with the birds and go as often as my spare time allows me to.

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On 30/01/2023 at 06:31, Bangersanmash said:

Its great sport for the hawk on the back of a hare when its riding it ? ?. You have to have a brave hawk an a clever hawk that just goes straight for the head but that will come in time. More kills for the bird better confidence build up. Years ago I had a female Harris that could smash hares up she was some bird 3lb 2oz 

Never herd of a Harris flying at 3lb 2 , you sure it was harris hawk 

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30 minutes ago, leegreen said:

I've seen Goshawks nail rabbits one after another and if the rabbit make 50m, it did well. With Hares as you said, the main feat is hanging on to them. That is unless the Hare has been flown before and it knows what is coming. then they're hard to catch.

As a dog man, I cringe a how easy a Hawk makes a capture. As skilful and elegant it is, I call it mugging ?.

"A waste of a good Hare" , I heard it described as.

I still enjoy a few hours out with the birds and go as often as my spare time allows me to.

I would have to say that its down to the person flying the hawk to make the flight sporting. How anyone can say its a waste of a good hare is ludicrous. A hawk of an average two to three pond in weight against a fit hare that would weigh eight pound on average, how can that be unsporting!

Muggings do happen when tree flying but ferreting in woods or open hill country is excellent sport, if you engineer the slips correctly.

Everyone to their own I suppose!

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