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fruit from the hedge row

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I've noticed an abundance of hedgerow fruit this year, possibly down to the strange weather we've been having, couple of days red hot sunshine followed by couple of days torrential rain !

The council planted rows of red, yellow and black plum trees all around here, and they've been laden with fruit. Great crop of sloes almost ready, blackberries, raspberries, elderberries, so I'll be making loads of wine, sloe gin, plum vodka this year.

Allready got apple, pear and grape bubbling away nicely;




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2 minutes ago, chartpolski said:

I've noticed an abundance of hedgerow fruit this year, possibly down to the strange weather we've been having, couple of days red hot sunshine followed by couple of days torrential rain !

The council planted rows of red, yellow and black plum trees all around here, and they've been laden with fruit. Great crop of sloes almost ready, blackberries, raspberries, elderberries, so I'll be making loads of wine, sloe gin, plum vodka this year.

Allready got apple, pear and grape bubbling away nicely;




yes  alot of beerys about this year hedgerows full of blackbeerys ,they used to say a sighn of a cold winter was coming if the hedges were full of berys  , dont know if there is any truth in that...

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1 minute ago, sid g said:

dont know about your council but they`ve stoppped cutting back the hedgerows round us to encourage wildlife 

There's a lot of bridleways and old waggon ways around here and the council keep them accessible, also some ancient hedgerows that they take care of, but they have stopped coppising , if that's the right term, the woods.


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