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Sbk .. yes it's good stuff but so is 'round up tough' sold a lot of both in the nursery centre I used to work in.

But it's for the none professional

There's probably stronger stuff a professional can get though 

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Cheers, Chid. I had an idea you'd be the one to weigh in on this.

I have Roundup on the shelf. It's just that that shit's useless ~ as I'm sure you know. It's a weed suppressant and simply makes everything to brown for a few months. And, 'Everything ' is another issue. It says this shit leaves the grass alone.

I just want to give these brambles a good thrashing. Haven't had access for a couple or so years now and it's un fukking recognisable up there :icon_eek:

I'd break through with the brush cutter. But, again; I'd just be sewing an army of zombie brambles. Fukking things!

Got any brand names for pro' gear, please? I'd like to read up on what's out there.

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Never dealt with any the pro stuff , we never stocked it .

I know a fella who wanted to clear a patch of brambles and he put a donkey amongst them , bloody thing cleared it all up better than a goat for eating stuff they are 

So get a donkey instead of weedkiller ?


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Wouldn't think a donkey would thrive on this small patch of ground, mate. Plus it would die of loneliness. Never been one for getting a full time animal to take care of a short term problem, myself, anyway.

No. If I can just go fukking nuclear on this shit? Just to give me breathing space? I have / will have full access again now. I'll be able to get in there and do it with blood, sweat and machinery.

Actually, I hope to plant a couple or so trees up there. Maybe if I looked at something with spread, lower down; It might shade out the fukking brambles? Dunno.

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3 minutes ago, SheepChaser said:

Just glyphosate the shit out of it. 

Narrrrrr ..... Like I say, mate; I normally would do. But, that shit's a short term measure. And it 'kills' about everything green.

First thing, next year ~ if not before? ~ the fukking briars would be rising from the ground like fukking vampires. Then what? Nuke it again? And again?!

Says this shit leaves grass alone? That's a bonus. Grass I can strim back.

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:( Think I'd be better off borrowing a harnessed donkey!

Seriously. You obviously have absolutely no concept of how fukked up I am.

Other day here? My neighbour asked me to hold a medium sledge hammer against a post, while he hit it from the other side? Three whacks and my back was Screaming for mercy! He saw it and held Both lumps himself. He's about sixty.

You're young and fit. I Hire lads like you. Then stand back in open mouthed astonishment at what you can do.

Pulling brambles out by their roots?!? Ummm ... Nope! Not with my back.

I'm actually fixing to get the Blade back on the brush cutter. Chop pathways through it. Then drag the sprayer in there.

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3 hours ago, big sid said:

got the same problem here ken i was going to get a jcb to scrape the ground and resoil after.

Long as you get every last trace of the vile fukkers, Sid. But, yeah; If you have the access and the ability? JCB would be a dream come true.

I'm having nightmares even just Thinking about what I'm facing! I'm genuinely about good for an hour a day. Especially in this Insane fukking heat!

But, I Have To get amongst it ~ literally ~ because I really want to smother the shit in chemicals during this dry. But, I'll have to cut pathways through it, so I can get in there with my sprayer.

Iron is, of course; Cutting the paths will leave disconnected shit everywhere. I doubt that shit will absorb chem's? So, I'm potentially sewing zombies! ?

How I envy you that JCB!


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Martyn; Banned by the EU? Must be the bollocks then! I'd long, long ago noted their policy with Pest Control: Study us closely. See what's the best stuff we have available. Ban It!!!

Just out of a nostalgic yen for bygone days then; How would one of used that stuff, back when we were allowed to?


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